What I find enlightening about Memo Commies on Reddit is they're not involved in any Communist/Socialist sub-reddits. They'd b laughed out if proposing Bitcoin (BCH) as a solution to inequality.
Personalities matter. If Marxists were z biggest promoters of BCH I would come to the conclusion Bitcoin (BCH) is a Communist movement. But that's not the reality. Memo Commies live in a Bubble.
I have to agree with $LightRider here. Capitalism is defined as private ownership of the means of production. Its definition has nothing to do with Trade or Exchange. Call me out if I'm wrong.
So typical that a commie refuses 2 answer an actual argument that all the people (Capitalists) who promote Bitcoin (BCH) own the greatest amount of it & stand 2 profit the most from its success.
I just don't see how Bitcoin (BCH) which is promoted as new money by Capitalists (Roger Ver, CSW, etc.) is supposed to solve Capitalism. Memo Commies live in a bubble of their own desiign.
Wasn't literally Hitler democratically elected to lead Germany? Democracy seems to be tyranny of the Majority upon the Minority. Doesn't matter what side your on.