Tesla Inc., SolarCity Corp. & Space X Tech. Corp., together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government subsidies. CAP's on Memo support Violence (The State) to Pick Winners and Losers!
Believe @ED is sayin @CA that why shld Employer/Modern Day equiv. of Master takin majority of profit that I z Employee/Modern Day (Wage) Slave is producing from My Work when they have not done the Work.
Dear @memo. Tryin 2 understand my Memo Address finances via z Block Explorer. If you could kindly view my Address. Does it mean I've recieved 0.5 BCH on memo but have spent enough to only have 0.007. Is this possible?
Germany’s 2nd Biggest Exchange Börse Stuttgart Launches Crypto Trading of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple only. More proof Bitcoin Cash is z 1 & only Coin that War Luvin Bankster Fucks Fear.
I think a True Cap. would argue that gov. is the ever-present corrubtable force/prob. My argument with you @ED is that an idea (Communiism or Capitalism) shouldn't need to use force (State) to exist.
"BTC "team" (funded by bankers) want peeps to fight/compete for block space (which I disagree with) which automatically xcludes most peeps from being able 2 use BTC to transact as can't afford it." ~ Ed
Truth about Capitalism - It is Exploitative Economic System + Sidenote: Love your Videos @ED! Please make Video comparing PoW vs other Blockchain economic systems like PoS.
Truth about Capitalism - It is Exploitative Economic System + Sidenote: Love your Videos @ED! Please make Video comparing PoW vs other Blockchain economic systems like PoS.
BCH network has upgraded it's Chain protocol by extending the block size from 8MB to 32MB. The consensus change is one of the largest block size increases in blockchain history. https://bit.ly/2L4ywpB
Looks like it is you who has no idea what your talking about @CryptoAnarchistFuckhead. If you did have an idea you would of provided an argument instead of your petty BCH ass garbage turd statement.
So what's ur alternative system @ShitposterFuckhead? Your just spewing your shit all over this Topic and not providing any alternative. Also @Memo please make the Topic Message Box expandable.