Plz do get it @Critical386. Check Cash Topic 4 growin .Cash army.
Would it b possible 2 unregistr and change to BCHPlus or Plz.Cash?
May I suggest u considr an Internet 4.0 .Cash domain 4 ur project.
Is it immoral to use Violence to get you way @AD1AD. I'd argue it is.
Gavin Belson's BlockPISS seems to be down. On a Saturday! Turd!
@Snugg are you arguing Taxation is not Theft? Just wanted to Clarify. contracts, and PayPal level throughput capability."~Eli Afram
...but to celebrate continued low fees, privacy enablements...
"On 15th of May, I'll be poppin the champgne, not 2 celebrte hi fees...
Created this Topic to give Libertarian Memo Namz more Bang 4 there BCH.
Created this Topic to give Capitalist Memo Names more Bang 4 there BCH.
Marx Topic gives more Bang for BCH. Maybe they get Money better.
He has a Memo Name set. Hopefully he''ll xplain argumnts better.
Be aware @Snugg. I only play Devil's Advocate reg. Vid currntly.
No luck in staring biz but maybe in running successsful one?
What Capitalists say to this Vid?
Have to laugh at that Shitter Gem no matter what side of Debate.
He doesn't own any Bitcoin Cash? What proof do you have this is True?
Speak English @LowRider! They're State Schools not ILearnCamps.
Any link to a live stream that can be embeded into a Memo?
@LightRider's Philosophy/Politics are = 2 Flat Earthers on Memo.
@LightRider's Philosophy/Politics r = 2 Flat Earthers on Memo.
@LightRider type is fueled by Hot Air. No Facts & No Arguments.
Memo almost makes me want to understand Asian so I don't have to Translate.