@Bitcoin Faucet sendin NEW Memo Sign Ups Through the Roof! Better Stay BCH's!
Degenerate Gambler @CSBW doesnt understand Sports. I pick Team Memo & Fuck U!
Keep Topic titles short BCH! More Bang 4 you're BCH!
If u hate BlockPISS then this is a place to xpress you're hatred.
Man. Myth. Legend? Place 2 discuss 1 of the largest proponents of BCH.
Like Veer not Vare. A place 2 discuss 1 of the lrgst proponents of BCH.
Internet 4.0 .Cashsites Wewo and Unite chose Memo BCH!
How about BlockPISS bend it's Inferior knee 2 Memo BCH!
How many Sat. does @Memo require to Rename Dashboard to Cashboard?
Capitalism offers Freedom to Choose, and I choose Memo over BlockPISS!
So you believe Humans will not develop tech. to inhabit other Planets?
How exactly does it "Cheat People" & "Xtrnaliz $"? Also, many Planets.
What does Capitalism have to do with destroying Everything of Value?
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Many ?'s & Arguments I have but time 4 bed. To be continued. Night.
But Employee would get paid nothing if Employer did not have IDEA 1st.
Should all Employees for IDEA like Memo be rewarded equal 2 Creators?
So when Employee doesn't have opinion overule Employer it's Communism?
What if a worker doesn't want to concern himself with biz operations?
Good vids ED. But Communism. Really? BCH spokepeeps r Capitalists!