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saved 1207d
Florida has been open for the whole past year and has fared just as well, if not better, than most other US states and European countries.

Can we talk about this please?
saved 1212d
Governments use mainstream media to put radical ideas out and see what the level of resistance is. To 'test the waters'.

Depending on the level of pushback, they decide on whether to:

- continue
- tweak the messaging
- try again later
- abandon the idea
saved 1219d
People who lift weights don't tend to be socialists.

They implicitly understand you cannot lay claim to somebody else's gains.
saved 1219d
'Problems' are often manufactured intentionally so that 'cures' can be sold.

Think about it.
saved 1225d
Inflation is about to kick a lot of people's butts and most are blissfully unaware of the true implications of that.
saved 1226d
Eating right and working out gives you more energy to eat right and work out.
saved 1230d
The best way to build a genuine following is to tell the truth.
saved 1231d
The guys who think the government deeply cares about them are the same guys who think strippers really like them.
saved 1231d
Victim mentality is popular because it provides a permanent alibi for personal failings.

It can also be used as both a weapon and social currency.
saved 1231d
This new 'sick until proven healthy' mentality is a sickness in itself.
saved 1232d
If your car won't start and you just sit there at the wheel not doing anything, then nobody will stop to help you.

If people see you pushing your car to get it started, then many will stop, and start pushing with you.

This message is not about cars.
saved 1232d
If your car won't start and you just sit there at the wheel not doing anything, then nobody will stop to help you.

If people see you pushing your car to get it started, then many will stop and start pushing with you.

This tweet is not about cars.
saved 1233d
The fact that it's extremely difficult to find an objective, unbiased news source, that just reports facts and doesn't hide or distort stuff, is a problem of catastrophic proportions.
saved 1233d
Stockholm Syndrome is the real pandemic.
saved 1233d
Thank you!
saved 1233d
Stop thanking the government for 'giving' your rights back to you, after they infringed upon them without your consent.
saved 1233d
The older I get, the more I'm convinced the greatest form of 'activism' is raising decent children.
saved 1233d
saved 1234d
Do you know the darkest realisation I've had over the past year?

It's not about governmental overreach or the bastardisation of science.

It's the realisation that a significant % of my fellow citizens would turn on me if instructed to by an 'authority'.
saved 1234d