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saved 1485d
I just looked that up.. when you said expensive you meant EXPENSIVE.
saved 1485d
It's okay I'd rather not dream. Sometimes I have weird glowy dreams that come true. Deaths, new people I meet, pregnancies. Thats scary too. Im pretty sure i shut it off myself, id rather a doctor not look into it.
saved 1485d
Cannabis. but not currently cause im growing a human. Pregnancy and when im sick "fever dreams" are the only time i get rem sleep. I used to get bad nightmares as a child and when they stopped I stopped dreaming.
saved 1485d
What if you don't dream? Not just not remembering, my fitbit doesnt even register that i get rem sleep on a daily basis. But when I do boy howdy are they strange.
saved 1486d
My husband told me I could make money on the internet without posting pictures of my butthole.
saved 1486d
I grew up on fresh goat milk. I don't enjoy milk of any kind. But I do remember when my mom would buy store milk I always asked why there was water in it.
saved 1486d
One glass of chocolate milk did more for my morning sickness than all 3 of my anit-nauesa prescriptions combined. 🙃
saved 1486d
Text or email. They are using either a phone or a computer to check it. You are doing it out of convenience for them. Do what you want.
saved 1486d
Get rid of it now. Nobody's stopping you.
saved 1486d
I was so excited to see plants on Twetch.. but then I saw your a "follow me for money" account. If you have to bribe your followers to follow will you actually have good content?
saved 1486d
I passd out getting a simple blood draw 🤷‍♀️ I didn't see anything.
saved 1487d
My hospital waiting room has the tv shut off and taped off. And half the chairs are taped off. Everything is silent and you can hear everybodys medical info. Definitely hippa safe.
saved 1487d
I've seen sheep run full speed straight into fences.. that thought just makes me laugh 😆
saved 1488d
I'd say you pass the test. Shoot you're teaching the class! Will you be sharing more paintings?
saved 1488d
saved 1489d
saved 1489d
White tail deer shed their velvet and in the process look like zombie deer. Its really cool https://www.outdoorlife.com/amazing-photos-buck-shedding-velvet/
saved 1490d
/trolltoll @14519 $5.00
saved 1490d
Ive looked through your posts and replies. Anti trump, anger, and hatred. I ask you to provide proof and you only tell me "its there" you need a mirror.
saved 1490d
So its okay to be a mean hateful person as long as you do a few good acts? But thats why we hate trump? You really need to look in the mirror.
saved 1490d
I'm not the one claiming I show love. And i have looked through your posts. You are full of anger and hatred.
saved 1490d
I've never seen you show love. Can you provide proof?
saved 1490d
Thats a weird way to water the flowers on your mother's grave, but whatever works for you man. You might be less angry if you used a watering can.
saved 1490d
I'm not a liberal either. I just don't like you.
saved 1490d
Making fun of a handicap, isnt that part of why you hate trump supporters? Do you even own a mirror dude?