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saved 1495d
Who is talking about masks? We are talking about the fact you are a racist. You've been brainwashed to believe only white people can be racist. Get a grip on reality dude.
saved 1495d
Thats some good victim mentality you have.
saved 1495d
Go read your own posts. Read them for comprehension, you are a racist. Thats my proof.
saved 1495d
Oh I'm lying because you don't have an actual rebuttal?
saved 1495d
I live in a very rural area with strong Trump supporters and opposinf strong Biden supporters and real racists. Racists live on both sides. It has to in order to keep the fire fueled. Congrats on being part of something bigger than yourself.
saved 1495d
Nice cumback, go lick it off your face.

I'm not a trump supporter, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
saved 1495d
@14519 you are seriously the only racist I have seen on this site. You are the only person to ever bring up race. You tell people other people dont or wont like them because of their race.. you are my first mute when that feature rolls out.
saved 1495d
Tobacco plants grow really pretty flowers too.
saved 1497d
saved 1498d
I'm dumb. My whole life I thought white people being called "crackers" was because they were white like saltine crackers.. ITS BECAUSE THEY CRACKED WHIPS ON THE SLAVES! Whip crackers..
saved 1500d
Aliens 👽 👽 👽
saved 1500d
Melatonin tablets or try looking up sleep music on youtube.
saved 1502d
Women are powerful, but todays society is teaching us to use that power to destroy manly men. Convincing us that men are somehow supressing us. But I can tell you, I have only ever experienced true misogyny from other women.
saved 1502d
Unfortunately, you need to keep it in mind about most girls.
saved 1502d
Let's not forget shannon is a gold digging whore. She was trying to use him. It's enough to make anyone angry.

But for some reason our society doesnt like to call girls out on their shit and only blames the male.

He just cared enough to not slander her.
saved 1504d
But according to the doctors, the iud wasnt responsible for any of my problems.. they still all went right away after the iud was removed though.
saved 1504d
The week I got it removed, i lost 10 pounds. I havent had a migraine since. Where I could feel it the doctor convinced me was scar tissue. But i no longer feel it. And i literally said "i feel like in in control of my own emotions"
saved 1504d
I mean i could literally feel it inside me and my obgyn refused to take it out saying my body just needed to adjust to it.
So 2 years later, she still refused because I didnt want to be on any birth control, i had to go to planned parenthood for removal.
saved 1504d
I recieved an iud 4 weeks after giving birth. That makes me wonder if I truly would have had post partum depression so bad..

I had all the side effects. I gained 30 pounds, my period disappeared and I spotted randomly. I had a mirgrain ever 2 weeks..
saved 1504d
Isn't every interaction on here a voluntary contribution? .... or are you in danger?
saved 1504d
A week after Amelia was born c-section so i was resting, it was Halloween. She refused to breasfeed and so I was pumping then giving it to her in a bottle. There were trick or treaters coming to the door.. I feel like I already experienced this. 😆
saved 1504d
saved 1504d
What the robot said, and if you learn very basic butchery you can get slightly larger cuts and cut them down yourself and save money.
saved 1504d
How many soldiers? I knew you were starting a cult. 😂

It's fake. The tattoos are also fake. I wanted to try them before making them permanent. There's no nose ring in my future.
saved 1505d
Thank you.. you think I'm white?