I like bcash actually, it rolls off the tongue. It is obviously unacceptable now, but let's not pretend it doesn't work
I'm keeping "bcash" in reserve until after the flippening. Would be hilarious if it hit popular colloquial use around the time BCH hit quintuple digits.
Must keep in mind not everyone (me included) is business minded. I am ideologically minded. Roger didn't sell all his BTC 4 BCH as he is business minded. I did sell all my BTC 4 BCH.
That's the weakest excuse I've heard. Ideology is worth nothing if it doesn't work in the real world. Zero. The only way to find out if an idea has merit is to try it. And not w/force
100 k sats is a lot for me. Is it really that much work to pay out the people? Can you not just group them together and pay just twice with pay to many feautfure in EC?
Honestly, more than 10 bettors on a match requires my full attention. I also triple check not to wrong anyone. There are three matches everyday and yesterday I was exhausted at the end
You know what would be an awesome feature? Chained transactions for longer messages + having an optional tick box on Yours.org to post longer-form writing to the blockchain, for however many tx fees it costs.
I'd like to put my first philosophy book into the blockchain. Cheap, universal publishing I'm willing to pay for!