-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- In Brazil, we pay a lot of taxes. All services are slow, we have no such thing as paramedics, in our country, everyone watches TV, and if you read books, you are compared to an alien. We have a big problem with the epidemic. All this causes a lot of hatred, which is reflected in my list.
1.1 Volnei Morastoni. prefeito de Itajaí, Santa Catarina. Corrupto, ladrão e curandeiro, prefeito de Itajaí, Santa Catarina. Recomendou "ozônio no ânus" como cura para a COVID-19. Este método não tem base científica. 25 USD 1.1 Volnei Morastoni. Corrupt, thief and "healer", mayor of Itajaí, city of Santa Catarina state. He recommended the use of ozonium gas in the anus as a healing method to COVID-19. This method has no scientific embasement. 25 USD 1.1 https://www.folhape.com.br/noticias/prefeito-de-itajai-em-sc-sugere-aplicacoes-de-ozonio-no-anus-para/149597/
1.2 Juiz Sérgio Moro. Abusou do seu poder de juiz de direito par...