Avoid taking out mortgages and using credit cards when possible. You might feel free at first, but when the bills come pouring in, you'll realize you aren't free. #MondayMemo
It's good to take a break from social media every now and then. One can get so carried away focusing on others' lives and problems that they overlook their own. #MondayMemo
When saving, it helps to have a goal you wish to achieve. For some, it might be material, like acquiring a home, or it can be abstract, like financial independence. #MondayMemo
When paying with cash, take all the change you get, no matter how small, and deduct some for tips if desired. You lose money whenever you leave change on the counter. #MondayMemo
Linux Mint is a good distribution; used to use it myself before switching to Kubuntu. Did you know the team supports donations in Bitcoin Cash? I recall reading about it on Reddit.
To extend the useful lifespan of your computer, consider installing a lightweight Linux distribution. If you still need Windows occasionally, make a dual-boot setup. #MondayMemo
Of course, you only need Memo. It depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you want to sell at a different price, you can create a new sell order using the same tokens.
When purchasing food, one factor to consider when comparing products apart from taste, texture, etc. is unit price. The lower it is, the more you get for your money. #MondayMemo
My apologies, I wasn't aware pressing ENTER when writing a message to a topic automatically sends it. Why can't I just make a multiline message here like with my own posts?
Great, that topic looks like what I was looking for. Perhaps I should introduce the hashtag #MondayMemo for greater visibility as well. I'll try these changes next Monday.
My last Monday Memo was about spending money only on food you plan to consume. Why? The answer is simple: efficiency. For this reason, I'll be dedicating a series of Monday Memos to making the most of what you have.