
Joined Apr 17, 2018

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Last week I learned a lesson the hard way on using partition managers like GParted.

Double-check the disk you're partitioning before applying any operations, and don't partition a disk when you're tired.

1682d · Ideas to improve our lives
Cherish all the good memories in your life, however few there may be. Nostalgia can be a refreshing source of happiness, and one that never grows old over time. #MondayMemo
1689d · Ideas to improve our lives
Not giving up applies especially if you have a good idea, such as for a project. If you give up, someone else will capitalize on your idea and succeed. #MondayMemo
1696d · Ideas to improve our lives
Make an effort to reciprocate favors someone does for you. For instance, if someone got you out of debt or other trouble, then help them or someone else do the same. #MondayMemo
1703d · Ideas to improve our lives
Teach those who are willing to learn. There is no point in teaching those who do not even care to listen, as it will cost you time and nerves while yielding nothing. #MondayMemo
Here's a simple tip if you want to block a specific site on Linux. Go to etc, find hosts and add the following line:

This line redirects the domain to localhost.

Test. Test. Test.

If Memo is working for me right now, then this should end up on-chain.
When programming, one difficult task you may encounter is implementing logic, especially if it involves nested loops. In such cases, it helps to visualize each statement and how it affects variables. #MondayMemo
1724d · Ideas to improve our lives
Being a person of value involves learning from mistakes and making the most of your station in life. Use your failures to guide you toward success. #MondayMemo
1731d · Ideas to improve our lives
To avoid destructive habits, you need to avoid opportunities to engage in them. This strategy works only if you're occupied by work or self-improvement in general. #MondayMemo
1738d · Ideas to improve our lives
Avoid taking out mortgages and using credit cards when possible. You might feel free at first, but when the bills come pouring in, you'll realize you aren't free. #MondayMemo
1745d · Ideas to improve our lives
When looking for a job, even an odd one (no pun intended), consider one you find comfortable doing for hours at a time. #MondayMemo
1752d · Ideas to improve our lives
It's good to take a break from social media every now and then. One can get so carried away focusing on others' lives and problems that they overlook their own. #MondayMemo
1759d · Ideas to improve our lives
When saving, it helps to have a goal you wish to achieve. For some, it might be material, like acquiring a home, or it can be abstract, like financial independence. #MondayMemo
1766d · Ideas to improve our lives
When paying with cash, take all the change you get, no matter how small, and deduct some for tips if desired. You lose money whenever you leave change on the counter. #MondayMemo
1773d · Ideas to improve our lives
To extend the useful lifespan of your computer, consider installing a lightweight Linux distribution. If you still need Windows occasionally, make a dual-boot setup. #MondayMemo
1780d · Ideas to improve our lives
When purchasing food, one factor to consider when comparing products apart from taste, texture, etc. is unit price. The lower it is, the more you get for your money. #MondayMemo
1780d · Ideas to improve our lives
My last Monday Memo was about spending money only on food you plan to consume. Why? The answer is simple: efficiency. For this reason, I'll be dedicating a series of Monday Memos to making the most of what you have.
Monday Memo!

Not so long ago I was cleaning out the family refrigerator and shocked to see how much food went unchecked for years, some left to spoil. Lesson here? Don't buy more food than you plan to consume.
Monday Memo!

One form of recreation I enjoy as much as hiking is listening to music. Depending on the genre and whether I'm studying or just relaxing, it can be either a powerful motivator or a pleasant distraction.
Monday Memo!

Having put it aside for years, I've decided to take up gardening again. While doing spring cleaning, I found some leftover potting soil and a large pot, so I used them to plant yellow bell peppers.
Monday Memo!

You might not think this at first glance, particularly if you've been tormented by boring book reports in school, but reading books can be an entertaining form of recreation to stimulate the mind.
Time for another change of topic for my next Monday Memo. Maybe something to do with recreation. Yes, that'll do.

If you're into hiking like I am, try taking new paths or trails from time to time.
Monday Memo!

When writing code, you should comment it regularly, particularly functions and any lines whose meaning isn't obvious. That way your code can be understood later on and doesn't become write-only.