Majia Goria

Joined Aug 11, 2018

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2378d · Dirty Haiku
cougar in tight jeans, stare at her ass unnoticed,walk up and slap it
2378d · Globalism
If your solution requires universal (or near universal) compliance it is dead on arrival. Solutions that succeed will work at small scale & grow.
2379d · Propaganda
yeah crazy how fake things feel. hard to document or describe though. almost seems best to just disregard most everything. memo still feels real!
Majia Goria
2378d · Globalism
if they had any intention to fix the issue, they wouldn't be shilling for government gibs, they'd be looking for investors to make CO2 useful, like exxtra said
Majia Goria
2378d · Globalism
unfortunately for silentsam, none of these undeniable experts are willing to put their money where their mouth is, so we must follow their words and ignore their actions
Majia Goria
replied 2378d
Unibomber wanted a global revolution against technology. Obviously, any nation left untouched would be able to sweep the table and reimpose, so its a demand for universal self harm
2378d · Anarchy
depends on the anarchist but some are happy with free market hierarchies, some dont want any hierarchies, some want just communist hierarchies.
Majia Goria
2378d · Anarchy
i'm fine with hierarchies, just not artificial, military imposed, pillage funded hierarchies.
Majia Goria
2378d · State Enforced Anarchy
anarchy, but instead creating a change within government that will inevitably weaken it. just enough of a poison pill to keep them on the back foot as they slowly fade
Majia Goria
2378d · State Enforced Anarchy
i see the world in a sort of post-anarchy lense, once a big guy gets enough guns the show is over, and thats where we are today. I guess now the idea is less instating or enforcing
2379d · State Enforced Anarchy
followed topic Propaganda 2379d
Majia Goria
2379d · Propaganda
thats why I hate politics on reddit, it's almost exclusively fake. 4chan/pol/ feels at least 2/3 fake now too. to answer the premise though, everything beyomd facts may as well be propoganda
followed topic State Enforced Anarchy 2379d
Majia Goria
2379d · State Enforced Anarchy
to be clear, in this scenario, there would be no legislative or judicial powers at the federal level, and we could say at the state level as well. perhaps a slow implimentation too.
Majia Goria
2379d · State Enforced Anarchy
If the US military fell back to the coasts and boarders, and government was reduced to simply the military, could the US survive as an "anarcho"capitalist nation?
followed topic Globalism 2379d
Majia Goria
2379d · Globalism
and UBI is retarded psuedo-communism, just raise the verteran pensions, same shit, less fuckery
Majia Goria
2379d · Globalism
thats why Marx and the Unibomber could never succeed, their idea required unanimous support because single implimentation would be self weakening, thus self suicide.
Majia Goria
2379d · Globalism
trying to impliment a global government is inherently uphill, since it would be in direct contradiction to the direction of strength (above). a path of weakness always loses
Majia Goria
2379d · Globalism
gloablism as a one world government is not only every distopiqn set up, it's the exact opposite of the leading economic trend, smaller government with an exploration into city-state creation
Majia Goria
2379d · Capitalism
Capitalism vs anything else always comes down to "how much of your shit are people allowed to steal?"
followed topic Anarchy 2379d
Majia Goria
2379d · Anarchy
you can agree to something without a government being there, and governance is not government
Majia Goria
replied 2386d
How could being richer make a country worse?