💯Neal Gentry🔤🔗🏁

Joined Apr 24, 2018

Programming deity...

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replied 2086d
replied 2086d
Why does every single news channel push global warming when are lakes and rivers are polluted by chemical companies!... But look at my global warming.
replied 2086d
We should be driving electric cars not because of global warming... But because gasoline is toxic.
replied 2086d
Here have some more poison... Well every major corporation complains about global warming.
replied 2086d
The destruction of our planet is obvious and in our case pollution is rampant throughout society.. It's not even up for discussion. Yet ...GloBalWaRmiN argue... argue...
replied 2086d
Global warming and corporations destroying our planet are closely linked...
replied 2086d
Have you are not wondered why all the major polluting companies promote global warming? Think about it...
replied 2086d
Man-made global warming is a artificially catastrophized problem. While major corporations are free to pollute and poison our water and air. focus on cleaning our environment...
2086d · Capitalism
Non benevolent governments have existed in every economic model... Eg: Venezuela, China, USSR, California, Germany, Congo, Iran, North Korea.
replied 2086d
Turning into??? i thought it has been for the last 25 years or so...
replied 2086d
Our climate has never stopped changing...
replied 2099d
assets into IOU’s which can be traded on Ripple. However, there exists a relatively new feature in the Ripple protocol that enables gateways to freeze those IOU’s
replied 2099d
Ripple “gateways” act as trusted entry and exit points for the payment network, providing users with specialized institutions for converting regular currencies and
replied 2099d
Ripple can create more tokens by changing the code... they control the so called super nodes and are able to freeze any wallet they wish.
replied 2099d
replied 2099d
Bitpay FTW!
replied 2104d
because they know the flippinning is coming...
replied 2112d
Made .25 BTC from that drop. 😁
2112d · Capitalism
We all figured out LightRider gets paid to shill communism online.
2112d · Capitalism
Capitalism never killed anyone... Smh they must pay you good LightRider. Communism kills thousands daily in China to this day...
replied 2121d
The fact that anyone would view any crypto as a store of value is insane... lots of maturity to go and BCH is ahead of the game.
replied 2125d
White men are people too
You are fucking right!!
2125d · US Politics/Trump
Basically LightRider thinks if you are inocent of an accusation by asking someone to testify in your favor that automatically constitutes obstruction.. Smh we aren't a communist shit hole
replied 2125d
I truly think this is something worth exploring... With a triangular USD sell method any currency can be traded against Bitcoin.
replied 2125d
Simon Van Gelder
I'm unsure if other currencies have done kind of implementation of this idea... But I know for sure once I post my code on github it will be utilized to suppress BCH