The destruction of our planet is obvious and in our case pollution is rampant throughout society.. It's not even up for discussion. Yet ...GloBalWaRmiN argue... argue...
Man-made global warming is a artificially catastrophized problem. While major corporations are free to pollute and poison our water and air. focus on cleaning our environment...
Ripple “gateways” act as trusted entry and exit points for the payment network, providing users with specialized institutions for converting regular currencies and
assets into IOU’s which can be traded on Ripple. However, there exists a relatively new feature in the Ripple protocol that enables gateways to freeze those IOU’s
Ripple can create more tokens by changing the code... they control the so called super nodes and are able to freeze any wallet they wish.
Ripple “gateways” act as trusted entry and exit points for the payment network, providing users with specialized institutions for converting regular currencies and
A new wave of disgusting #CultOfCore Ant-BCH propaganda:
#Bitcoin #BitcoinCash
Don't worry about one single such narrative, but rather (not at all or) the ease with which the elite sets these things up everywhere to stifle all real debate in favor of trench wars.
Basically LightRider thinks if you are inocent of an accusation by asking someone to testify in your favor that automatically constitutes obstruction.. Smh we aren't a communist shit hole
I'm unsure if other currencies have done kind of implementation of this idea... But I know for sure once I post my code on github it will be utilized to suppress BCH
I truly think this is something worth exploring... With a triangular USD sell method any currency can be traded against Bitcoin.
That's nasty...and brilliant. Any documentation to read?
I'm unsure if other currencies have done kind of implementation of this idea... But I know for sure once I post my code on github it will be utilized to suppress BCH