💯Neal Gentry🔤🔗🏁

Joined Apr 24, 2018

Programming deity...

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2125d · BCH Speculation
Looks like we just had a little spike.
2125d · Bitcoin Cash
If enough of us run the bot it will virualy suck the value out of every pare used... Im working on a triangular USD/'coin to be leached'/ bch implementation
2125d · Bitcoin Cash
So I have been working on a Bitcoin cash leach bot in Python to Leach value from other currencies to Bitcoin cash through volatility. Any ideas???
replied 2125d
I truly believe in this project and would donate regularly to advertise and grow the user base.
replied 2126d
A donation area with specifics for advertising, features, usability, functionality...
In the year I've been with memo it has expanded it's usability and functionality... Time to start onboarding. I propose a donation area to pay for the expansion of advertising.
2126d · Conspiracy
Looks like YouTube blocked my access to that video 😂😂
2126d · Conspiracy
Looks like Facebook and YouTube are banning DNC political foes today... Time for everyone to move to memos censorship free platform.
Looks like Facebook is mass banning Democrat party foes... 😂😂 Time for everyone to move to memo!
2127d · Capitalism
Hey LightRider you're about to lose Venezuela!
2127d · US Politics/Trump
Hey LightRider How's that CNN snake oil you bought tasting.
2127d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
Lol... LightRider had got to be a paid antagonist... How could one be so out in left field... Via CIA brainwashing???
Nice.... My one year memo anniversary and it's still growing!
2373d · Propaganda
Wow... They are actually just going to label anyone they disagree with as a white supremacists. Eg " Candice Owens"...
voted in poll 2450d

HOW LOW WILL WE GO ? Where do you think BTC is heading in the coming 60 days?

We are at the floor at around $6500

it costs about 8000 to mine one bitcoin...
replied 2450d
Theory only needs protection from leaders if said theory gives said leaders more power... Humans only protect what they are genetically dispositioned to protect including power.
replied 2450d
The theory of gravity isn't in competition with the theory of global warming due to carbon.
replied 2451d
The earth carbon-cycle affecting the temperature of the planet as a whole is a theory just as valid or invalid as any other theory... nothing more nothing less.
replied 2459d
i give 1$ in bch to every person i bring into memo
Microsoft owning github is equal to github transforming into a facebook for code fully censored and all data sold.
replied 2463d
i sell old computer hardware on craigslist for BCH only.
replied 2463d
every day.
replied 2466d
If you are planning on adding more languages that would be awesome... The they would love to have the site split and diced up by location please try to keep us all together.
replied 2466d
Normies would not like that.