BigRichBank: " Yeah what about em" ReallySmartGuy: "We're going to fill all 200 desks up with paid Internet Trolls to push our ideas 24/7. It worked on congress right?"
BigRichBank: "Awesome sounds great!.. What do you have in mind" ReallySmartGuy: "Well what we can do pay millions to a few of the most influental people in bitcoin to do our bidding"
BigRichBank "How can we stop bitcoin? They are destroying us!" ReallySmartGuy "Well we can infiltrate their ranks with a technology so complex it will never be finished"
Just Five Men Own Almost as Much Wealth as Half the World’s Population : The Poorest Half Own About $410 Billion, As of 06/08/17, The Five Men Owned Over $400 Billion in Wealth - Each Man Owns Nearly 750 Mil People
And the Rothschilds own as much wealth as the entire planet 4 times over.
Please understand @Astral Cloud Ashes there is a war going on between Memo & BlockPISS. Do not post you shit at BlockPISS first and then Memo. Memo community is not your sloppy 2nd's!
Block 5313705/22 4:59 PM ~dpc2u5l [Bitcoin Cash is NOT Bitcoin] It is.! Bitcoin is not Bitcoin! view on ▼ Block 5293525/8 1:53 PM ~dpc2u5l changed name to: Satoshi