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saved 866d
OK, he site works better on Linux/FireFox, but now I'm signing up for a new profile, apparently. Need to figure out how to keep my existing one...
saved 866d
Did try that. Didn't work either. But I'm using Edge, so that's already one arm tied behind my back. Just standing up a new Linux VM and will try FireFox shortly.
saved 866d
Yeah don't use Twatter. I live in a crack anyway. I'll hang here, no worries. Thanks for the heads up on this though.
saved 866d
Just saw that it was a different domain. Hadn't noticed before. Anyway, tried to sign in. Didn't work. Tried to sign up. Got this:

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '__wbindgen_malloc')

I guess it's Twetch.app for me.
saved 866d
What's twetch2? I feel like I live under a rock sometimes. I'm using the same platform I always used, since day 1.
saved 866d
Clicking on a Twetch link seems to want me to log in again (and when I try to do so it fails). I guess because I'm already logged in. Still not sure even after 1000 twetches how to use this platform properly. :(
saved 866d
Maybe I'm getting my information through a biased lens, but to me it seems like too much woke hair dye has been absorbed through Justin's scalp. He labels anyone who disagrees with him bad, and when people point out the stupidity, he calls them bad too.
saved 866d
Just noticed that I reached a milestone!
saved 867d
I see the mask wearer is completely concerned about the transmission of a virus, that he ensures his mask is correctly fitted and he also observes distancing recommendations. Oh, right, it's not about reality, it's about claiming moral superiority.
saved 867d
Making a video is terrorism. Got it.
saved 909d
saved 909d
saved 909d
3rd or 4th vax?

(Nice work by the way).
saved 909d
"Follow the science" or "Trust the science". These are probably the most anti-science epithets going around.

*Real* scientists don't follow or trust; they test, validate, critically examine. They invite scrutiny. They thirst for new insights.
saved 910d
Some random observations:

1. The less people know; the more they think they know. The more they actually know, the more humble they will be.

2. Threats to one's comfort zone will be resisted at all costs.

3. Knowledge is power.
saved 910d
saved 913d
saved 913d
Science is about suppressing uncomfortable ideas. Oh, wait....
saved 959d
Gave it another try (my brain is not wired up for Apple phones). This time (after updating the app in test flight) it seemed to work. If I knew the "secret" it wanted was just the seed phrase... But the button worked this time and now I'm in.
saved 959d
I purchased it a long time ago. Never got it to work; the bootstrap phase never got past a critical point (button was unclickable). Currently says "Beta has expired". I've been using the web UI since the start. Would just be nice to see the app one day!
saved 959d
Is that the app? Every time I try to get it, I fail miserably. I wasn't destined to use it, clearly.
saved 1033d
Not that anyone gives a shit, but I am no longer a moderator on /r/bitcoincashSV. Not because I have any problem with that particular group; I don't. But because I have a major fucking problem with Reddit and the extreme levels of censorship. Fuck Reddit.
saved 1033d
Just saw BCHA. Insantiy. But then crypto was never logical.
saved 1033d
Hey. How did you go? Sounds like it might be ISP or something else doing the censoring.

Regarding "contains incitement to hatred"... that's so stupid I don't know what to say. Welcome to 1984 maybe.
saved 1035d
I've probably spent too much time trying to read and learn everything I can about COVID and the gene therapy based "vaccines".

I highly recommend this video to anyone who has an open mind: