
Joined Jun 08, 2018

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replied 2164d
Sk8eM dUb
Yes commodities always rise during economic turmoil. With crypto emerging as an asset class that's very uncorrelated with conventional markets I can see it being used as a safe haven.
replied 2164d
Sk8eM dUb
I see... rate hike -> USD money press slows down -> bankers making it rain in the casino/NYSE find their wads of cash are running low -> the party comes to a screeching halt. Nice.
replied 2164d
Sk8eM dUb
Okay so there's a financial collapse coming and when it happens, investors will flock to crypto to escape. I mostly agree. Can you explain more how the fed rate rise will trigger it?
replied 2164d
Tinfoil hat time: China hasn't rolled out cameras + facial recognition only cos Chinese tech is still largely ripping off western tech & western FR is notoriously bad with Asian faces
2164d · memo
That's perfect excrement
replied 2164d
In Venezuela if you want to wipe your ass and you have a roll of toilet paper you should sell the roll. The Bolivar is worth less than TP so you'll get more paper & more wipes.
replied 2164d
In summary, the fed has a lever on USD/BTC (fed rate up = bearish for Bitcoin in USD, fed rate down = bullish for Bitcoin in USD).
replied 2164d
By contrast, fed rate rise = more people save in USD, fewer loans, keeping USD supply (and therefore inflation) low, less money available to buy crypto with.
replied 2164d
Sk8eM dUb
I would expect the opposite: fed rate down = Bitcoin up. Conventionally, low interest rate = more people borrow = more cash to spend (e.g. on Bitcoin) & USD weakens due to supply rise
2164d · memo
Also, include posts in sub-threads when checking to see when a topic was last posted in. Some lively conversation happens in sub-threads that're almost impossible to find if the topic is old.
2164d · memo
Suggestion: display sub-threads like comment chains on Reddit (below and offset to the right, limited to a few posts before the "show full thread" option appears).
replied 2164d
In the US, I would have gold and silver for a backup to USD. In any other country a wad of USD is probably good enough as a backup to whatever shitbuck your banana republic issues.
replied 2164d
China's cashless revolution (WeChat & AliPay) are a great case study: (public dgaf about privacy) + (govt wants to track all people all the time) = terabytes of spending data per day
replied 2164d
USD bills would be my go-to for refugee spending money (easier to spend than gold) and crypto for savings (even foreign bank accounts may be frozen by a malicious home government).
replied 2164d
Yeah sewing gold coins into clothing was once a good option for refugees to carry capital, but there's always a chance of it being lost/taken. Crypto gets 1-up on gold for security.
2164d · Upcoming white genocide in South Africa.
If I were a white south african, I would be moving my capital to foreign bank accounts and/or cryptocurrency so it's easier to escape when the jackboots come.
2168d ·
Oh sorry, just read you were at the 15% first order limit. How big is your order? I would expect anything under $30 to be taken super quick, maybe wait a little for someone to take a larger order.
2168d ·
How big is your order and how much discount did you request? Requesting 30% off a $1000 order will keep you waiting much longer than 15% off a $30 order
2169d · How do you know about cryptocurrencies?
First heard about it in 2013-ish when BTC hit $100, which at the time seemed crazy so it made it into mainstream news. Read more tech side and thought it was cool.
2169d · INTJ
People told they have a "rare" personality type that represents <2% of the population constitute 90% of online discussion of personality type. Pareto would be proud 🙄
2169d · Twitter ETH Giveways
Twitter is stuck playing whack-a-mole. Imposter accounts are easy to make but hard to detect. Especially while preserving legitimate parody accounts.
2169d · Favorite Quotes
"When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence." - Gary Lloyd
2169d · Venezuela
I guess even a smartphone is a store of capital that depreciates slower than the Bolivar, no wonder they're a target for theft.
2170d · Marx