
Joined Jun 08, 2018

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replied 2172d
En Fri Mand
2172d · Venezuela
@PedanticPedant if it is necessary to use a smartphone, and electricity is as cheap as gasoline but sometimes it is removed for long periods
2172d · Venezuela
How many Venezuelans have smartphones and mobile internet? Is it like the US (nearly everyone), like Somalia (nearly no-one) or in between?
2172d · Venezuela
I suppose there's always cointext to send BCH by SMS, so that might be enough in dire circumstances. Though for user experience you can't beat a good smartphone wallet.
2172d · Venezuela
Question for Venezuelans: daily use of crypto needs a smartphone, mobile wallet & mobile data. Are all of these widely available in Venezuela? I know electricity is cheap but is it reliable too?
set name to PedanticPendant 2173d
set name to 2173d
2173d · random
2173d · Bitcoin Core (BTCC) is real Bitcoin Cash, BCH is Bcash
I dreamt that Satoshi came back, signed a block with the message "BCH is Bitcoin" then sold all his 1.1m BTC for BCH, flipping the price in a day 😍
2174d · Revelation
2174d · US Politics/Trump
Can't we do both? Most people do. They have jobs/do something productive with their time, then watch the news and criticise politicians who act stupid. Protesting isn't a career for most.
2174d · Bitcoin Cash
replied 2175d
I wonder if a memo mobile app would technically count as a mobile BCH wallet? 🤔

Could deliberately tack-on standard mobile wallet functionality so people can spend tips IRL 😃
replied 2177d
So... Hitler is your hero? 🤔
2177d · Roger Ver Appreciation Station
I will always prefer a guy with a coherent, consistent worldview over a hypocrite who cherry-picks his values to suit his tastes.
2177d · Roger Ver Appreciation Station
Even if I were a full-blown Marxist who hated everything Roger stood for in terms of libertarianism, I would have the utmost respect for his conviction and coherence.
2177d · Roger Ver Appreciation Station
If there's one thing I can admire about anyone (regardless of who they are or what they believe) it's consistency and sincerity.
2177d · Second Earth On Other Side Of The Sun?
2178d · INTJ
Also, sweet "allegedly" bro: I, too, enjoy obsessive use of caveats to express all my uncertainties. Not sure if that's a coincidence or meant to be an INTJ trait.
2178d · INTJ
Started by a commie who got frustrated in "Capitalism" by anti-communist arguments, then decided to moan "poor misunderstood genius INTJ" and fantasise about sending dissidents to space gulags.
2179d · INTJ
@Simon do you mean if a group that wants to take over the world gets to Mars, they could just kill everyone else on Mars then destroy Earth to become 100% of humans?
2179d · INTJ
The US founding a colony in a faraway land and regulating their activities but not granting them representation in government?
2179d · INTJ
I mean, as long as Martians are allowed to self-govern (not "taxation without representation" which has lead to colonies warring for independence), I see no reason for Mars fight against Earth.
2179d · INTJ
Fair point.
2179d · INTJ
My point is: we shouldn't worry too much that "we adapted to Earth, not to Mars" because natural humans aren't well adapted to Earth either, we need technology to survive in most places on Earth.