
Joined Jul 11, 2018

Bring back hot dogs as Costco

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replied 2304d
LOL interesting site. Also morning update; Bitcoin still alive, unfortunately.
Bitcoin dies tonight.
And since I was confident in my political convictions, all that witty banter about tax codes, emails, and border walls was the foreplay I never knew I needed.
you are in violation. thEy mustn't know you were here. no one should ever find out About this. you can never tell anyone about thiS. for The sake of the others' survIval, you muSt keep this silent.
They're asleep, the night took forever to arrive, and now we're almost ready.
White kids here, they can sit in the Park all summer long, listening to music, because their big-shot parents keep sending them money. Who ever sends you money?
A million one, a million two.
A hundred more will never do
Right there you’ve got the ways that romanticism historically ends up in trouble, lends itself to authoritarianism. When the direction appears. How long do you think it’ll take for that to happen?
Anybody who thinks this is all about drugs has his head in a bag. It’s a social movement, quintessentially romantic, the kind that recurs in times of real social crisis.
The themes are always the same — a return to innocence — the mysteries of the blood— an itch for the transcendental - an army of children waiting to be given the words.
Miss my european gas station ice cream loving boy #freeHamed
2360d · 🧀
Hello, is it safe to cook my cheese wheel in the crock pot? My grandmother makes her famous "Hot & Wet Hunk of Cheese" recipe before Tax day every year. Mine always turns out too dry, thanks.