This legislation path is a slippery slope of control. Every1 agrees, harming/ selling your child is wrong. (If everyone agrees why do you need the law?)
Everyone agrees the destruction of the earth is bad, and yet global warming is happening because it's profitable for oil corporations.
There is no good alternative to Bitcoin (BCH). Not the tangle, not lightning network, not sidechains and not PoS. Nobody knows if they will work, it’s all just speculation.
It doesn't pay to be close-minded, quite literally. Nano is an interesting idea and some good competition for BCH. BCH itself must be ready to adapt if it wants to survive.
Congrats to BCH for 32 MB blocks! Take a look at TX Highway to get a sense of how BCH dwarfs BTC. BCH has far fewer transactions though. You know what to do about it! Spedn!