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saved 1258d
@852 @4 Can you please delete my account. I asked earlier but you may have missed it. Please remove my account without delay. Thank you.
saved 1258d
Point taken. It was not the original intent of the meme. Someone asking you to distribute $500 for them is a bit weird though. Good Luck to you Vegard, you seem like a good man.
saved 1258d
Yes but I was originally talking to Vegard who received $500 and then distributed $250 and kept $250. One of many instances. Say he does that 10 or 20 times and then it transpires the philanthropist was a bad actor laundering money for example?
saved 1258d
You are over simplifying things. In this instance everything was probably fine. But read the meme and contemplate the implications of bad actors setting out to destroy this place and BSV with it.
saved 1258d
Thank you. Me too. I was really excited for the first couple of days but unfortunately the place is just too toxic and will only get worse not better. It’s not worth it. Good Luck to you Madde and God bless you.
saved 1258d
saved 1258d
Unfortunately only more will come. I asked to get my account deleted after 5 days and the catfishing is the least of it. Good Luck to all the decent people here and I really do hope Twetch cleans things up–if it’s even possible. Pandora’s Box comes to mind
saved 1258d
Hey @852 . Can you delete my account please.
saved 1258d
In this instance probably no-one is but you cannot know for sure that it will never happen. Are you happy to embroil your family in a criminal investigation for $5? Can’t you see the implications of all this?
saved 1258d
Who was the guy who sent you $500 to distribute? If he is on the wrong side of the law then i’m afraid so are you. My goodness, man.
“Actions have consequences” only has meaning to those who understand it. CHANGE MY MIND.
saved 1258d
Vegard, your account tied to the blockchain, has just sent money to 50 strangers around the world? Who are they? Criminals or worse? When a court of law looks into who funded them your name will come up. You OK with that, brother? CHANGE MY MIND!
saved 1258d
I really hope Twetch succeeds. BSV will succeed without Twetch. But for 10 minutes look at what goes on here objectively. Do you honestly believe BTC lot are not here already? This place will make headlines but for the wrong reasons. I wish I was wrong.
saved 1258d
And any newcomers arriving are immediately repulsed. On top of that you have a verification process that asks people to put shoes on their heads or bananas. Can you not see the absurdity of it all? Wait till the 4chan lot get here.
saved 1258d
My point exactly! Now monetize that. See what happens? 🦊
saved 1258d
Sorry, I thought you had replied to my post about money bringing out the worst in people.

I just don’t share your enthusiasm. I’m old enough to know that people seldom learn from there mistakes. Refusing to accept that does not change it.
saved 1258d
saved 1258d
saved 1258d
saved 1258d
The meme is a warning to any serious thinking person.
saved 1258d
As @292 said the other day, this whole place is a meme. But it’s being sold to people as “free money” or “Twitter but you get paid”. 5 days here and i’ve had my fill. Just from observing. I have had no bad interactions with anyone.
saved 1258d
I’ve liked you from day 1 Vegard. I think you are a good man. But..
“Actions have consequences” really only has meaning for those who understand it. Unfortunately this is very, very few people.
saved 1258d
I hate to say it because I was super excited for the first couple of days here, but I only think it will get worse. When my wallet is empty, I’m walking and I’ll never Twetch again. I recommend you do the same. Stay strong, girl.💪
saved 1258d
Disgusting behaviour! That’s why I posted that meme. Money brings out the worst in people. The shoe on head thing is ridiculous. Imagine any serious company asking you to do that to verify yourself. “I’ll give you $0.50 if you make a fool of yourself”
saved 1258d
I honestly don’t think the implications of what the meme says have been thought through. One example; the giveaways. Sending money to strangers(some perhaps serious criminals). What could go wrong?
saved 1258d