m1chel bch-blog.com

Joined Jun 22, 2018

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80€ BSV ?

2270d · Bitcoin Berlin - BCH
Hey everyone, there will be a meet-up in Berlin on Wednesday and Hamburg on Thursday!
2270d · Bitcoin Berlin - BCH
Check out this Meetup with Bitcoin Cash Hamburg - BCH http://meetu.ps/e/FShBb/jh4zz/d
2307d · Bitcoin Berlin - BCH
Bitcoin cash Berlin - BCH http://meetu.ps/e/FLS4g/jh4zz/d
2312d · Capitalism
And anyone that says Socialism fucked up Venezuela, is propaganda / clueless fuckhead. US Capitalists brought terrorism there, as they brought war all over the world you ignorant fucks.
2332d · Bitcoin Cash
I wonder if Starbucks is aware of the fact that there was quite literally a civil war over whether coffee should be on the blockchain, and that they're on the chain that doesn't want coffee.
First successful post in Android app!
replied 2349d
2350d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
https://www.bch-blog.com/2018/07/17/vorbereitung-fuer-den-stresstest/ @m1chel just blogged about stress test day :)