Markets don’t like the changes amaury is doing. Abc price got absolutely crushed post fork even though ABC “won” the ticker. That should be a huge red flag
I challenge any ABC supporter to give me solid elevator pitch for that coin. I'm not sure what it's for or what it's unique value proposition is. "We have the smartest devs" is taken.
The main difference is that ABC will be ETH 2.0 and BSV will be capable of 1 TB blocks in the near future. Also ABC gets driven by people out for profit instead of creating a world currency
Yeah right. That's what was supposed to happen with BCH. If any explode in the next few months it will be BCH because it is way ahead towards adoption.
The only thing that will happen to BCH is choking on it's own checkpoints.
Ouch, you just outted yourself. Man you're stupid.
He outed himself a long time ago. As soon as theres a mute function he'll be the first to go. I can learn from ppl with differing opinions but this guy is dumber than a post.
BTC-Core has a real strategy and a strategy they present. The strategy they present and engage in debate over is a front for their real strategy. It looks like the ABC crowd is emulating the fake strategy of BTC-Core.
Not true. I respond to fake news and fud. I am 100% sure of myself.
You're gonna lose all your money. ABC are planning to censor the contents of the chain with UTXO commitments making pruned chains the default. It's Segwit 2.0 and is gonna fail (again)
I mean there's been blatant sock puppetry trying to malign CSW for 6 months now(all the while calling the very few SV supporters a huge army of shills and trolls).
ABC wins. ABC side gets to keep BCH and the SV side will be BSV. Announcement is on coin dance.
Proof of announcement!!! By decree, we the benevolent coin dance, declare ABC the true Bitcoin Cash. 😂😂😂 Looks like Jimmy Song was right, BCH is fiat! lololol