Bitcoin Faucet

Joined May 08, 2018

Satoshis for all!

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Hello from Money Button and from planaria!
replied 2279d
Disagree. I'm a BSV supporter, and I want to see if Bitcoin 0.1 can scale. We've tried literally everything else, but not the original protocol.
replied 2279d
ABC attacked BCH by introducing changes that the vast majority of BCH hash opposed. Then they brought it mercenary hash to push these through. Pretty clear ABC was the attacker.
replied 2282d
You mad at me because I’m filthy rich or I’m right? 😆 Miners will come as BSV continues to blow everything out the water. Developers love stable permissionless platform
replied 2280d
I’m seeing strongest investors fighting to preserve the Bitcoin system, fiercely resisting protocol change, pushing massive blocks, selling ABC, buying BSV. If wrong, go broke.
replied 2280d
Those aren’t Calvin and CSW pumps. That’s me buying too much BSV with my fat finger lol 😂
2280d · Bitcoin Cash
For those that say BSV is a pump and dump, yes, but that was only me buying a shitload daily 😉🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀‬
2456d · Bitcoin Faucet
Hi 😘
2456d · Bitcoin Faucet
Good idea
2456d · Bitcoin Faucet
Hello Faucet SAN
2456d · Bitcoin Faucet
@faucet , make it rain pls :(
2456d · Bitcoin Faucet
is this really actual faucet ? @Reload
2456d · Bitcoin Faucet
2456d · Bitcoin Faucet
Thank you
Space Pirate M
2456d · Bitcoin Faucet
A Bitcoin Faucet on Awesome!! BCH PLS!!
2364d · Bitcoin Faucet
mostly bullshit waste yrs precious time really
2291d · Bitcoin Faucet
I'm curious, is the faucet still alive? 🤔
replied 2282d
You realize BSV broke BCH transaction record by DOUBLE right?
replied 2281d
Nobody wants savepointed spreadsheets. They thought conspiring with exchanges will bring them value. ABC failed. Rogers suckpuppet army on r/btc has no economic value either.
The Fivebucks BSV transition is complete.

- 0-conf payments are much faster (thanks to MB)
- All user balances were converted to BSV
- Withdrawals are active
2280d · Bitcoin SV
BSV up against Jihan/Roger/Haipo/Jiang/Coinbase/Kraken/Reddit and still plowed through. That’s power!
2283d · Bitcoin SV
How do I split my coins on memo? I don't want to contribute to the economic activity of the Bitmain ABChain
2283d · Bitcoin SV
How do I split my coins on memo? I don't want to contribute to the economic activity of the Bitmain ABChain
2284d · Bitcoin Cash
Markets don’t like the changes amaury is doing. Abc price got absolutely crushed post fork even though ABC “won” the ticker. That should be a huge red flag
replied 2283d
Scaling matters. Wormhole dsv illegal bucket shops,PoS is not bitcoin . Bitcoin is capitalist, bitcoin PoW, bitcoin scales come join the party bitcoin is back and it scales bitcoin SV