
Joined Apr 27, 2018

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replied 2172d
Sending private messages on a immutable media doesn't sound like the best idea. Even if it's undecipherable now, can you be sure in ten years ?
Good job France :) We are the champions !

Giving away 50k sat to the first 10 people i see on my notification
2174d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
OP_RETURN pushdata is prunable from UTXO. persistance of this metadata is voluntary and requires an archival mining node market. 'GROUP' will bload UTXO holding
I am definately a Tokeda concept supporter. NOT a fan of OP_GROUP at all.
Redesigning my company site from scratch while listening this melody... works quite well
2175d · Memo Suggestions
After liking a post/reply/etc, the "Like" button should be disabled and the text replaced with the word "Liked" so that users don't accidentally like more than once.. it has happened to me
You don’t need to understand the blockchain to purchase a t-shirt or a cup of coffee with a BCH mobile wallet. Almost there.
Ayn Rothbard
replied 2176d
Being an employee sucks
2178d · Marx
not sure if you're asking me or LR. market solution. like distributed money, distributed court system, police.
Just lost my last 1 bch, be carefully with gambling
Using Bitcoin Cash to Control a Water Fountain

by: Spencer Lambert

replied 2188d
Dust consolidation is no longer required. Memo will automatically consolidate as needed.
En Fri Mand
replied 2190d
It is. I bought a book yesterday.
voted in poll 2191d

https://i.imgur.com/PE2Mh2H.jpg DAY 13 MATCH #39/64 Tuesday, 26 Jun, 18:00 UTC ICELAND vs CROATIA 1) Place your bets as tips when you vote 2) Try vote-betting first Max: 10 mil sat/bet Min: 100k sat/bet

Croatia - 0.5 goals (1.95x)

My last bch !
Shirt Giveaway to Memo.Cash users! Like & Reply for entry. I will pick a winner tomorrow. This will be the first of many.

100% Cotton - 8 - Sizes

Today best game ever
replied 2198d
I am an importer of Italian food and my customers are pizza shops, restaurants.. I m trying convincing some of them doing so... not an easy task!
Hello world!
2201d · Crowdfunding
seems like memo.cash is a fundraising platform because you can just send satoshis to a profile
Tom Zander
Observation; different teams working to advance Bitcoin in their own way via new tools or policies etc has the effect of pushing everyone to be better, to fix things. It speeds up innovation. Exponential innovation?
2211d · Ideas to improve our lives
2211d · Crowdfunding
I am going to use crowdfunding to open the first "Satoshi Coffee Shop" in Seoul, Korea.
Steve Patterson
You know what would be an awesome feature? Chained transactions for longer messages + having an optional tick box on Yours.org to post longer-form writing to the blockchain, for however many tx fees it costs.
Crypto Collectibles
2212d · Sell Stuff for a Tip
Sure. Here is a product for sale you can buy for cryptocurrency, one of a kind: https://blockbooth.com/product/2429-58222/bruce-ruffin-donruss-89-baseball-trading-card-error-card-or-p