
Joined Apr 27, 2018

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look at all the progress that has been made in only 1 year.
This is the bitcoin i signed up for.
It has to become bigger
BCH is simply an update for Bitcoin that was not sanctioned by the Core developers. Because it doesn't need to be. That's decentralised development. That's Bitcoin.
My first cryptocurrency only online-store up just now, selling crypto clothing! Not much atm, but if you'd like a t-shirt with a Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash logo, time is now! https://togbi.com/
replied 2147d
Thanks @vigi! I plan to open source it once its code is in a presentable order :)
I understand that people will want to know their funds are safe and open sourcing is the only way.
replied 2148d
replied 2148d
2148d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Bitcoin succeeds when anyone can try to build it in their image and the community decides based on THE TECHNOLOGY what to run.
2149d · Graphene vs Lightning
You can read more about Graphene here: https://people.cs.umass.edu/~pinar/ozisik.cbt.2017.pdf
OpenBazaar https://openbazaar.com is really well done, I am about to reuse one of my old laptops to always be online and I will build up a store with crypto stuff (TBA). This is amazing. Cryptouniverse rocks!
2149d · Bitcoin Cash
Breaking News: 70% of merchants in Cyprus will start accepting Bitcoin Cash payments. BCH will be added to a leading POS system.
2150d · GROUP tokenization proposal by Andrew Stone
I reminded this topic today, trying to sell a shitcoin on ETH: "Intrinsic gas too low". $0.50 in fees to the trash and several tries. BCH tokens FTW.
If it can't be used as cash, it isn't bitcoin

2151d · Bitcoin Berlin - BCH
Hey gang! This Wednesday, in Berlin, we're having a 1 year "Freedom fork" anniversary for Bitcoin cash. If you're in town come along! http://meetu.ps/e/FD0sh/jh4zz/d
Hello everyone!
I have just joined memo. Feeling great to be here and interact with the bitcoin cash community. My colleagues and I are organizing @eatBCHSS and introducing bch to our friends in between our schedules.
rory macdonald promotes bitcoin cash to his 300k
Bitcoin Unlimited Merges Graphene Block Propagatio..
2152d · Bitcoin Cash
More proof that Bitcoin Core (BTC) is hijacked by Blockstream
replied 2154d
BTC is a curse. You put it in your portfolio and instantly a parallel universe opens up and we lose framore in this one.. don't do it... :)
replied 2156d
I really like all your posts.
En Fri Mand
replied 2155d
replied 2158d
Look, there is a project called Matter (www.mttr.app) that has this main objective, to use op_return space to send pictures, books and long text like blogs. It is in alpha.
replied 2158d
I agree. Here's part of my next tweet in the thread:

IMO 'miner education' isn't even an issue anymore because BCH now exists. The miners that can be educated, have been educated.
2161d · Capitalism
@Kokansei, looks like you can fit it in a Bitcoin Cash Block, 18MB, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3074166/
replied 2162d
Sk8eM dUb
All I do has something to do with Internet. It has everything to do with Bitcoin.
replied 2162d
No. 100% likely. More than any other.

Not a claim. A solution