Hello Memos. Ready for Cash Accounts in Electron? Pull request is up and fixes are being done. Big thanks to @pokkst for the development and @im_uname for the bounty. github.com/Electron-Cash/Electron-Cash/pull/1322
Hello Memos. I just finished migrating all my SLP tokens from a 145' path to the new 245' path on Electron Cash. Found a bunch of random tokens I never saw before. What's your favorite random (not well known) token?
Hello Memos. Please remember as we approach the upgrade, trolls of all kinds will be looking for divisive issues to amplify. Please don't give them any easy wedges.
KeePassXC team now accepts BCH on the donations page. They maintain a great account/password manager. If you are on the internet, you should probably be using some kind of password manager. https://keepassxc.org
Personally agreed about BU/XT and a signaling system for low-noise communication. Whatever the outcome though, it's great that big miners are taking a more active role.
Any predictions about what will come out of the meeting? I hope it is not some garbage like s2x again. As miners we need to make the hard decisions that will make BCH a success.
@esthon Great bot. Could you add clear instructions to the bot profile? Coming from reddit I was not aware of the whole discussion here and the usage was not obvious.
@esthon Great bot. Could you add very clear instructions to the bot profile? I just spent 10 minutes and an incorrect "like" trying to figure out how to get it working.
"PoW change is the only way"
Do you think Cobra-Bitcoin could be Santa Claus?
ref. https://twitter.com/CobraBitcoin/status/1000067287372713985
P.S. thanks @memo for poll feature! It's great!
🍕 Still time left! Go have some pizza for historical Bitcoin pizza day. 🍕 SatoshiDoodles has the truth: Pizza > Lambo yours.org/content/when-the-moon-hits-your-eye--50-of--100daysofsatoshidoodles--9c3d5dace2cf