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saved 1085d
they unleased an endless streams of Big Lies that hypnotized a great swath of the population, priming them for the pandemic takeover. As if for sport, they lied to the public about every detail of the pandemic...
saved 1085d
all while demeaning the American people, their religion, their culture and cancelling their history. When the people finally had enough and sent a reformer to Washington, the ruling class claimed this man was a Russian agent and jailed his cabinet..
saved 1085d
fruitless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, opened the Southern border to mass migration, allow mass import and encouraged use of opioids, hijacked the financial system and economy with the Federal Reserve giving their friends inflated dollars first,
saved 1085d
In the past 30 years, America's ruling class lied to Russia about NATO expansion, tried to start WWIII by firing on Russian troops in Kosovo, gave China America's industrial base for nothing in return, wasted trillions of dollars and priceless souls on
saved 1085d
This guy is currently polling around 15% in the 2022 French Presidential election. One poll has him second behind Macron, another 4th. He hasn't declared his candidacy.
saved 1085d
Things wouldn't be as bad under Trump, but they would be bad enough that his poll numbers would look like this too. What's amazing about Biden's poll is the media is covering for Biden 24/7 and it isn't working.
saved 1085d
saved 1085d
If you care about climate change, don't have children. Then no one will have to worry about climate change in the future. Thank you heroes.
saved 1085d
Europe titled at windmills with their climate policies, put up too many actual windmills. Only Don Quixote can save them.
saved 1086d
Insidious nature of Brave New World tyranny causes victims to feel helpless. "What are you complaining about" bleat the sheep. The "canceled" are isolated, often have some flaw critics can point to, "must have done sth." Until the vaccine mandates.
saved 1086d
Energy stocks (XLE) might have finally topped for now. I'm heavily short via weekly puts.
saved 1086d
Excess mortality is rising and the rise is working it's way down through age groups, but hasn't hit children yet. Maybe coincidence, but that follows the pattern of vaccine approval...
saved 1086d
Gap filled on Monday
saved 1086d
Welcome to Twetch @60045!
saved 1086d
The unvaxxed are being fired from jobs, planes are being grounded, shipments delayed and cancelled. Unvaxxed are banned from restaurants, stores, gyms. Their exit from the consumer economy will lower carbon emissions.
saved 1086d
Might be the most important chart for this week. If the correlation isn't breaking down, or Nasdaq isn't hinting bonds are oversold, eventually Nasdaq will catch up. Nasdaq needs to lose about 7% to hit where bonds are already.
saved 1086d
The unvaxxed pure bloods are fighting the climate crisis.
saved 1086d
Brave heroic pilots flew during the coronavirus crisis. Now these brave pilots are fighting the climate crisis, and this is how they are treated.
saved 1086d
Organized Scientific Fraud: SARS-CoV-2 is an Unrestricted Bioweapon
saved 1086d
More important than ever, especially if cops start following Australia's lead. Do not converse with police.
saved 1086d
saved 1088d
The yen tagged its March 2020 pandemic low on Friday. If it keeps falling, the world could be in for a major shock.
saved 1088d
What is the better choice, take out a mortgage in yen or BTC?
saved 1088d
Weimar might be in the rear view mirror

Through the lens of social media, transgenderism, rising nationalism, wealth disparity, opioids, political polarization say #Weimerica

Horror movie popularity since early 2000s aligns with 1970s
saved 1088d
Cringe pro-China bugman propaganda. "China is good because it has electronic money and home delivery."