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saved 1090d
Charlie Munger is selling treasuries and buying Alibaba

Chinese media happily broadcasting this fact
saved 1090d
China knows the debt ceiling debate is a joke
saved 1090d
saved 1090d
Gadsden flag or Confederate flag tells me nice neighbors with guns who will be on the lookout for criminals in the neighborhood.
saved 1090d
Reason enough for anyone who wants nice neighbors to fly a Confederate flag.
saved 1091d
"hose on the right who disagree with this are either cowards who have no place in politics or are apologists for criminals,"


"A Reverse Critical Theory"
saved 1091d
Merrick Garland needs to step down and there should be a thorough investigation of all personal communications he has had with his daughter and SIL.

AG Garland's Family Getting Rich Selling Critical Race Theory Materials To Schools
saved 1091d
None of your colleagues has noticed this phenomenon?

But I’m explaining it to you, it’s not that they don’t care, it’s inconceivable to them the very idea that there could be any correlation.

saved 1091d
Colleges: put this poison in your body or we won't let you poison your mind.
saved 1091d
saved 1091d
The borrower of last resort is USG. Either they borrow like mad and destroy the US dollar and US economy in the process, or the economy stagnates with risk of imploding credit bubble always looming. They failed to create "enough" inflation for 10+ yrs!
saved 1091d
The Fed hasn't printed any money. It's all psyop. Banks print money. Borrowers "print" money because banks create it. The spike in money supply was corporations maxing out lines of credit. It's all fake. The Fed is helpless and hopeless if market awakens.
saved 1091d
The Federal Reserve sets low interest rates and lends to banks/Wall Street/corporations: all they're doing is transferring wealth to the ruling class. People go along because times are good, all investors get a little taste.
saved 1091d
Same story with the Federal Reserve. The Fed should have one job: lend money in a panic. Lend money, at HIGH interest rates, to banks that might fail solely because of an irrational panic.

Everything else they do is a fail.
saved 1091d
That is not to say China isn't doing better than the USA. In many ways their leadership is far more grounded that the lunatic Baizuo who control the Cathedral. But when the global economy starts throwing rocks, the CCP's glass windows will shatter.
saved 1091d
If you dig into their policies, what you find is they mainly find success when they back off and use markets, and they create massive imbalances and credit bubbles when they intervene. They look really smart and successful because Mao is their comparison.
saved 1091d
Most CCP polices are failures. Not to dismiss what China achieved, but China would already be as wealthy as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and ROK if they didn't have a CCP.
saved 1091d
Hedge fund blowups, foreign currency shock and economic shock incoming: natural gas futures in Europe spiked 40% overnight.

tl;dr traders had bet EU price would converge with US, euro weakness will push USD into breakout, natgas equiv to $300 oil
saved 1091d
Looks like the bull market is over.
saved 1091d
"This year has been all sorts of trouble for chip shortages and tech problems, for sure, but those quotes above are not contained within some article written in September 2021, rather September 2010."
saved 1091d
Broke Austrian economists: Revalue US gold reserves and reboot the financial system with sound money.

Woke Mainstream economists who mock gold standard: Mint 30 platinum coins, say they're worth $1 trillion each and pay off the debt.
saved 1091d
You can search "Chicago" and "mutual combat" and find tons of article. The DAs are letting the cases go unprosecuted.

saved 1091d
The bear market will be horrible. Write notes to yourself for what you should do when the market is down >90% and everyone is quitting, totally negative, headline news is wall-to-wall scams and criminals.
saved 1091d
1980s-200s tech boom: Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Lucent. Companies that built the infrastructure.

2000s-2020s: Google, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon. Companies that use the infrastructure.

2010s-now: crypto infrastructure

Next bull market: you're on it
saved 1091d
This also means dueling is legal again in the city of Chicago.