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saved 1094d
Everything from March 2020 on is an illusion, a sugar high, the last hit of heroin before the detox.
saved 1094d
Social mood is negative. Asset prices will soon reflect this.
saved 1094d
Make or buy?

If the tech market crashes, buying an ecosystem becomes cheaper.
saved 1094d
The only thing universal suffrage produces is universal suffraging.
saved 1094d
What's the best ghost gun? I heard they are the hot new think for Halloween. I'm thinking about handing them out instead of candy. Thx.
saved 1094d
Blue Pill: Experimental new drug with no testing

Red Pill: A drug with decades of use and good safety record

saved 1094d
What are they hiding? Emails between US and UK officials and researchers, including Fauci, are heavily blacked out. But words such as insertion are there, indicating they believe it was manmade.

"Science" Lied, People Died
saved 1095d
That's what he did for 4 years anyway. McConnell and Ryan hijacked his first two years, served up crap bills that he went out and sold as some great reforms. Pentagon and State ran shit foreign policy, he sold it.
saved 1095d
Trump might not have the personality for it (he likes making decisions), but he has the salesmanship for it. His job is solely to go out and tell America about their great new IRS. Great new education! All the nuts and bolts taken care of for him.
saved 1095d
Elect House candidates who are on board with the plan. We can cut out the entire GOP establishment. They're worthless losers and can't stop us. The people will flock to a positive, grassroots vision for the USA.
saved 1095d
Pick the cabinet for the President. This is the guy we want running Dept of Education. He's going to oversee block granting the entire budget. This is the guy to reform IRS. If you want to be POTUS, you go through us. Bring message to the people.
saved 1095d
We should build a start-up govt and treat the 2024 election like a hiring process.

"Start a project NOW to write the plan for the next GOP candidate"
saved 1095d
saved 1095d
Fact Check: "Joe Biden did not eat an eyeball during a child sacrifice ceremony at the White House. Our sources indicate Joe Biden has never eaten an eyeball. We rate this 5 Pinocchios."
saved 1095d
Fact checking works like this: they debunk something that nobody ever said, something tangential that is irrelevant, or something kooky that few believe, and then create the appearance that they have debunked the core meme.
saved 1096d
Atlanta Fed model sees GDP growth crashing back to post-2008 molasses speed.
saved 1096d
Now's the time to accumulate precious metals.

Not because the price will necessarily go up soon, but because you won't be able to buy physical soon.
saved 1096d
saved 1096d
$2693 is the price to watch on $GOOGL today

The blow-off extension from March 2020 till now is over once this trendline is well and truly broken.
saved 1096d
Instead of a political movement, launch a comedy movement.
saved 1096d
Maybe he will be a comedian. A comedian can deliver the Truth and instantly outgroup the fools and liars. In the land run by lying clowns, the comedic servant of truth becomes King.
saved 1096d
Prediction: if this nation recovers, it will turn on a dime the moment a ruthless RW politician skilled in debate pins his opponent on this or a similar issue. The nation will awake as if in slumber. Furious scrubbing of social media will ensue.
saved 1096d
As a percentage of GDP, China's local govts have double the debt of the single most indebted US state.
saved 1097d
A museum says they gave an artist $84,000 in cash to use in artwork. He delivered blank canvases and titled them "Take the Money and Run."
saved 1097d
Clown world is going to terrorize itself to death.