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saved 1309d
Nancy - I'm afraid I'm not finding any deep value from this subhuman group of neo-Bitcoiners. RAT POISON SQUARED
saved 1310d
Are BTC Blockstream minions for sale? I am looking for undercover agents to destroy this corrupt criminal cartel of drug lords and their.... oh Nancy. Yes dear, just on a zoom.
saved 1310d
Hi Yuleinis - I read your message - I am still working to see how far my reach is. However, I'm unable to send any money at this moment.
saved 1310d
what about these vindictive lawsuits? craig... law is all money. it'd be like these cats going up against big banks! Wells Fargo is right over here....
saved 1311d
or who cares?
saved 1311d
"We must be silent before we can listen. We must listen before we can learn. We must learn before we can prepare. We must prepare before we can serve. We must serve before we can lead." -- William Arthur Ward as quoted in Leadership. .
saved 1311d
Or as Kevin said. "Why use many words, when few words do trick?"
saved 1311d
Christmas gift suggestions:

To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.—Oren Arnold
saved 1311d
The use of the word FUCK. By George Carlin -
saved 1311d
I'm just saying, if your money printer is BSV. It's not going to print right away. We're going to have to make this thing fly... it was a speculative call on NIO. I had no knowledge other than pair trade TSLA
saved 1311d
Where's the kid with the fart mask that writes software that talks to itself on two dissimilar TCP ports. I have a project for him.
saved 1311d
Maybe this is the way to get a freakin' like around here..... "BSV has already won the platform wars". Do you guys like this statement anymore?
saved 1311d
Please pull forward to the second window.
saved 1311d
Metanet Unauthorized Homework Due: Submit your cool projects using MetaMask wallet below and let's chat about them.
saved 1311d
nChain should do anonymous 360 degree reviews of CSW and his performance. --- now open weekdays.
saved 1311d
saved 1311d
saved 1311d
Having been gainfully employed since age 13. I fear for your generation. Your work ethic is shit. And... all fucking night.
saved 1312d
so soon. I pooped today. I'm pretty sure I'm the real OG. You're a poseur. T OG Poseur. Maybe it's french?
saved 1312d
I need something before I can riff. Tell me a bit about yourself.
saved 1312d
everyone that didn't like any of my posts about deplatforming craig can eat a bunghole. I mean, let him get his own platform. You should be ashamed of yourselves posting his content as your own.
saved 1312d
maybe better stated as.... "If you want to feel valued, start adding value".
saved 1312d
If I were a benevolent dictator and had total control and authority. I'd use my plebs as meat shields in my Twitter battle for Twetch. They are expendable and worthless humans. We have more valuable humans right over here.
saved 1312d
Yeah, that's such a nice way of saying exactly the same thing. DEPLATFORM CSW - or let him get his own platform. all ya'll perpetuating this bullshit about this and that and whatever book will be written are straight trippin'. It's just fuckin' bitcoin.
saved 1312d
yikes, no not medical history. not here please. that was not my intention. unf. umm...