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saved 1172d
Yes, I don't see a need for anyone I care about to get the vaccine (though some already have) and pretty much everything over the last year indicates the pushers are up to no good. Still, gotta keep it real.

If 1/1000, I should know someone by now.
saved 1173d
I find myself insisting upon doubting this type of fear porn just as much as the fear porn that covid was all last year. I do know more people who have gotten sick, in a couple of cases seriously so, after their second vaccine dose than from covid.
saved 1178d
Agreed. Waste implies no payoff, but handicapping has ROI.
saved 1219d
Um... how do I get said NFT??
saved 1225d
When does the movie come out? 🍿
saved 1227d
Tracing cash seems almost impossible. Maybe it would be possible if all transactions were run through machines, like self-checkout stands. But as long as there are hand-to-hand transactions, it seems unlikely.
saved 1228d
Perhaps. But since bitcoin is traceable, wouldn't that serve authoritarians seeking to track down and quiet dissidents?
saved 1229d
Are you referring to ethereum?
saved 1241d
Dammit. I missed out on the taco 😢
saved 1245d
saved 1254d
Welcome to Twetch!
saved 1262d
Hello again, Twetch! It's been a while, but good to see all the new members!
saved 1279d
Old school! :) It isn't #1 all-time, but it is on the top >> all time list. Maybe 5th or so. It should be #1 though.
saved 1280d
It's probably the number one post of all time, if you look for it. Can't wait to see the pics!
saved 1293d
However many days later, I still haven't begged twitter for re-reinstatement. Also, have clicked unsubscribe at least three times on spam emails they have sent me post-ban.

How fucked up are they.
saved 1308d
You make a good point. What about slaves who were born into bondage, like nearly the entire planet of income tax farm people?
saved 1313d
limited edition hats are kinda cool, I suppose
saved 1351d
wen gab this twetch and twetchdat on gab @1 @4

some of us are never going back to commie twitter, but twetchification can still happen elsewhere in the free realms of the interwebs
saved 1354d
:) Gotta vote with use and give them the finger for bad behavior, which is ironic since their cult believes they are the most righteous and moral cultists to ever cult
saved 1354d
I finally got suspended on the cavema commie version of twetch. I think I don't care. Just going to twetch now.
saved 1356d
All money is energy, but not all energy is money
saved 1358d
saved 1359d
Imagine staying in college for marxist brainwashing if earning enough on twetch to pay for highly inflated tuition. Imagine not simply finding and reading all the best books one could find, and self surrounding with all the smartest people.
saved 1359d
The Hegellian show continues its endless march forward, one solution yielding a new problem manifesting a new reaction prompting a new solution. And so forth.
saved 1364d
It seems to be a pattern re-used often by people who build tribes and movements of tribes. It clearly works, so why not.