
Joined Apr 18, 2018

Quantitative Crypto Analyst. Numbers matter! HandCashApp: $mrgy

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Teose, srecan rodjendan! 3xX ;)
BTC difficulty change will be +1.5% in 85 blocks. Difficulty(hash power) finally catches price in $
Post something and contribute to BCH stress test
First time > 1 000 000 tx in 24h. BCH stress test done successfully!
September 2018 Bitcoin Cash will have MoneyButton and HandCash for iOS.
Number of transactions UP => price UP
replied 2314d
o-conf (InstaPay) is completely risk free for online merchants shipping physical goods. If the transaction is not confirmed you simply cancel the order and don't ship the product.
2314d · Bitcoin Cash
I just see egos fighting (nChain vs ABC). BU seems to care more about consensus.
November will tell us if BCH is still a technocracy or it successfully grown to serious project. After satoshi infancy period and BS technocratic rule period, we should finally see the third... miners rule period.
replied 2314d
I support whoever shows me better evidence. In absence of solid evidence for a big change, making minimal, easily understandable, and safe changes is a big plus in my book.
replied 2314d
So far I haven't seen any evidence that we need to risk big changes to the protocol.
replied 2314d
So far I like these comments!
replied 2314d
created poll 2314d
You are supporting whom?
Dr Craig 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Bitmain 1 votes · 0 satoshis


Techi news and techi debates do not affect cryptocurrencies prices any more.There are enough crypto followers that cannot get it.

Only mainstream news, adoption and Apps like handcashapp will move the crypto market.
followed 2316d
set profile 2316d
Quantitative Crypto Analyst. Numbers matter! HandCashApp: $mrgy
set profile pic 2318d
replied 2318d
A friend fixated on UI's
pre handcash laughed at whatever I've shown him
"You're joking, right?
BTC will never make it"

Handcash is 1st time I got the nod
"Very good.
Show me again"
followed 2318d
Definitely HandCasApp is the first wallet which my non-techie friends get it!
I found HandCash very useful tool for teaching dummy users about cryptomoney. With 1$ in BCH I can teach 10 people!
With current 16nm ASIC tech 0.08$/kWh is a magic number where difficulty stays constant.
LTC and DASH mining show that

BTC&BCH mining is 0.14$/kWh It means price could still go down while the BTC difficulty increases
replied 2324d
replied 2324d
$mrgy ;)
HandCash app is very handy. Memo, HandCash and MoneyButton are highlights of this summer!