White men are people too

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White men are people too
1865d · Tokens
What are the best platforms for trading tokens for coins?
White men are people too
replied 1867d
You say "in two weeks", are you referring to some promise?
White men are people too
replied 1881d
Indeed! Many of the points presented in the article are real issues. But when they are packaged together with the extreme view that rape does not exist it does us all a disservice
White men are people too
replied 1897d
Wait, how does he keep track of which log belongs to which fireplace?
White men are people too
replied 1900d
You know when you guys from the kindness of your hearts bomb some freedom into a country? Those countries generally do not have Trump as their president. Some still have Internet.
White men are people too
replied 1900d
Suppose he puts two presents in at the same time, wouldn't that get two presents in there? If they are the right size/shape they can be pushed into the sack beside each other.
muted 1910d
White men are people too
replied 1910d
OK. Have fun being scammed. Just don't complain I didn't tell you so.
White men are people too
replied 1910d
Honestly, what did you expect from a token? The whole thing BEGS to be abused! You sir, will be abused again, with another token. And then another.
White men are people too
1910d · QAnon
OK. Q is saying "Here is a picture and a few words, impossibly scarce all in all. Either manipulate yourself by drawing unfounded conclusions or feel I am superior to you"
White men are people too
replied 1915d
I suppose anyone unfortunate enough to watch all this sees how this guy grasps at any straw to make an impression of "winning" this. Number of people followed of course means nothing.
White men are people too
replied 1915d
You clearly are a troll
White men are people too
replied 1915d
I fail to see what should indicate that I am upset. Was it the small light joke indicating a very pedantic and irrelevant comment from you as if you felt the need to display knowledge?
White men are people too
replied 1915d
Indeed. And as said already, claiming such things while being careful not to say anything substantial yourself is a mark of a scammer (though troll may be more proper for you).
White men are people too
replied 1915d
Very good! Maybe you also want to post a pic of your diploma? :)
White men are people too
replied 1915d
I can understand your shame over not understanding these simple truths before I spelled them out for you.
White men are people too
replied 1915d
White men are people too
Also, if you say "the sky is blue" (and topic is the sky), and I and say "you forgot to mention that some cars are also blue", would you feel that this is a meaningful complaint?
White men are people too
replied 1915d
Elsewhere in this thread I have given a short intro. As for coins, many are surely scams, but singling out the scams is much harder than with tokens, as potential is harder to disprove
White men are people too
replied 1916d
White men are people too
Notice how he never really said anything in this discussion. A common scammer trick. Say many words even if he has no content, to create an illusion of having a legitimate claim.
White men are people too
replied 1916d
Ah, so that's it then, this guy is a scammer. He knows exactly what he is doing. It is possible he still feels bad about it, but he is driven by greed, and will not stop for anything.
White men are people too
replied 1916d
White men are people too
That is, there is also the possibility that you are scamming people on purpose, and that causing confusion in this discussion is your way to hide that the whole model is flawed.
White men are people too
replied 1916d
You mean "I want to scam you, please tell me which of these rotten apples is most likely to trick you so I can put more work into that"? Why don't you answer my claims directly instead
White men are people too
replied 1916d
I prefer to think you don't, at least until you give me even a small piece of insight that I don't have. So far all you have had is claims like "x is complicated" to confuse the issue
White men are people too
replied 1916d
OK, now I'm confused. Are you going to create scammy bullshit like tokens or not? The topic is "Creation Guides" not "Non creation guides".
White men are people too
1916d · SpaceX and Mars Colonization
The only planet that does not need colon-ization is Uranus