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saved 990d
Swedens 🇺🇦/🇰🇿-crisis respond is a joke! Dorky tradcons and tax funded “expert” take turns to publicly praise AFs IFVs at the island Gotland. Unable to deadlift 100kg and waiting to be heroes of the last conflict while the new war already is at year 3!
saved 992d
Effin hell, being sick really is something else while being a parent. You can’t just lie down for a week anymore…
saved 994d
saved 1002d
saved 1003d
Yours truly, back at it after last years surgery.

Unfortunately the slope were prepped like a cow trail today so couldn’t really go to hard on the knee. Good thing the view made it worthwhile anyway!
saved 1227d
@852 get program management on it and put it up for funding?
saved 1244d
Listed my taco at 110$, lowest at the market, to try it out. Its only for fun and kind of not real, right? Congrats @2 , couldn't imagine a deal so fast, it makes me nervous I did bad but the money is very real! Now, how do I pay my taxes for this? 😂
saved 1255d
Alltså jag hittar tydligen på reglerna lite allt eftersom så det kanske inte är helt logiskt bara 🤪
saved 1255d
buybsv.com det fungerar och är låg avgift men man får vänta på banköverföring som trots allt fortfarande fungerar. Har dock inte provat betala med kort än pga avgifterna. Svenska banker har inte fattat denna kran ännu likt de större som de strypt för BTC.
saved 1255d
/pay @25564 $1
saved 1283d
One of the more revealing situations for peoples average lack of cognitive capacity for sure is the self service check outs...
saved 1334d
I am amazed to see BTC retards inability to recognize becoming completely mainstream while thinking they all have unique economic perspective and are part of a resistance that is winning over the institutions they think they are fighting. Embarrassing!
saved 1342d
Life has always been a mental game, a perpetual war of information which been especially intense the last 30 years, but that BitCoin is about to start settle once and for all. Prepare to meet who you would have become with the correct information!
saved 1343d
Sry not done. Of course your bank says assets are the new money, inflation expectations are at ath! Check out
and follow these guys, inflation is the end but first deflation. Commodity’s are the new money (Bitcoin) ;-)
saved 1343d
Yes, but gold is a terrible medium of exchange and have never settled very much trade value in comparison to the credit system that evolved from it and associated central entities that followed and arguably got corrupted and introduced boom and busts.
saved 1343d
Or at least Bitcoin is by principle different since there isn’t a central point trying to balance it, so it’s at least a new try on an old problem with a fixed supply and hard to corrupted.
saved 1349d
As Biden reentered the Paris agreement and backs WHO his 1 day, the COVID PCR-test is not needed to count as positive as the mail vote fulfilled its purpose, societies can begin open up. Back to scaremongering about global warming again, am I right?
saved 1352d
Kingdom of Bohemians (Czech) minted its coins in Joachimsthal (valley) and was called Joachimsthaler. The name were from there adopted by many currencies, Spain and even Swedenistan had its own “Riksdaler” which many still call our krona today.
saved 1354d
It usually feels cringe to wear but today at the gym I decided to show the colors again. Still after 20 years the platoon t-shirt from my conscription as a ranger in the Swedish Armed Forces catches some attention and demand a solid effort, pergite!
saved 1354d
Ping @15284 due to the last days discussions on wallets and recovery in relation to Moneybutton and Ali. Hypothetically, theoretically and all that could you lock my funds making me unable to recover them without your consent? Thanks for a great wallet!
saved 1354d
Wait what, can handcash lock my funds without me being able to recover them without their consent?