
Joined Nov 14, 2018

Chief Lunatic at nChainStream. Technobabbler and Conman.

Bye Losers, Shitcoiners and Soy Boys.

I only converse with my sycophants.

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#WormholeCash is DEAD on Arrival just like DEADal Nix and Shammah. Fucking rookies, go back to freelance programming.

#BitcoinCash #BCH #BCHpls

Wait after you last screw up, you'll be flipping hamburgers at Wendy's.
Hey #Bitmain #BitcoinABC you guys going to take your heads out of the sand, or just wave the white flag?

Full Billionaire Mode

I win, and I'm King

Roger Ver made a big mistake pissing off me and nChainStream. He will be blackballed from every big meeting, screw traitors.

Down the Wormhole:

Peter Toddler is going down the rabbit hole. Full Billionaire mode engaged

Taking down all shitcoins, welcome to the time period of sound money. Global one world money.

Brought to you by the Federal Reserve!
2243d · Craig Steven Wright
You sheeple thought your opinions matter, after 15th I'm King. Bye Bye Soy Boys.
followed topic Craig Steven Wright 2243d
followed topic OpenBazaar 2243d
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followed 2243d
followed 2243d
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followed topic Pro-CSW Article? 2243d
followed topic CSW 2243d
followed topic CSW Blogs 2243d
followed topic Bitcoin SV 2243d
2243d · Bitcoin SV
nChainStream will win and I become King. Bye Bye, Soy Boy Losers
Get red-pilled or technically "bribed" to support nChainStream's Bitcoin SV. We are looking for Bullshit masters to employ via "social marketing" aka sockpuppets.

Contact our coordinator WokeBra for web interview.
Hand control to nChainStream in Hashwar.

Then make me King.
Emin Gün Sirer is Proof-of-Stake shitcoiner. If it's not in the White Paper or I didn't make it, then it's not Bitcoin (Cash).
followed 2244d