
Joined Nov 14, 2018

Chief Lunatic at nChainStream. Technobabbler and Conman.

Bye Losers, Shitcoiners and Soy Boys.

I only converse with my sycophants.

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#BitcoinCash community should support #BitcoinSV. Don't beat on JihanWu and the losing team.

You opinions and believes mean nothing.

Stand behind Bitcoin Cash or watch you shitcoins and you balances go zero.
Chris Pacia soy boy got so trigger I got more hash then 1MB Jihan Wu.

More $$$ = More Hashpower

Checkmate Losers
followed 2260d
Tiny little superman Jihan Wu has got nothing on me. He couldn't fight his way out of a giant paper bag, let alone win a hashwar.

Bye Loser
I'm Donald Trump of Crypto. Mess with me and I'll grab you by the...
Don't like me

To bad soy boys

Time for pissing match.
Soy boys think proof of social media works. Well yeah when I got my sockpuppets in gear. Cause I'm the Hero and everyone against me is the enemy. At least that's what my suckers, I mean followers believe.
Hash-power is King. I'll buy my way to the top.

Chris Pacia can't stop me.
set profile 2260d
Chief Lunatic at nChainStream. Technobabbler and Conman.

Bye Losers, Shitcoiners and Soy Boys.

I only converse with my sycophants.
set profile 2260d
Chief Lunatic at nChain Stream. Technobabbler and Conman.

Bye Losers and Soy Boys.
set profile pic 2260d
set name to nChainStream 2260d