
Joined Aug 26, 2018

Dash Digital Cash

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replied 2343d
forums and posting disruptive crap 24/7. They used to be able to post during MN deliberations and they made it horrible! Please don't dismiss my.our lived exp. that is very offensive!
replied 2343d
No I'm smart. The Dash community has been constantly attacked by virulent trolls from xmr for 4 years now. Many posts on bitcointalk, reddit calling Dash a scam etc. spamming our disc.
replied 2343d
All DCG employees and all dash contractors ONLY receive Dash for payment. Conversion to fiat is done on a personal basis.
replied 2343d
Understandable. But DCG is trying to build a certain brand. They want all markets incl. the US, so they deliberately avoid tax-avoidance for brownie points. Its a diff strategy.
replied 2343d
Have way bigger anon-sets than XMR. Plus the timing analyses and all the bugs means it was probably created with 'backdoors' to allow for easy deanoning.
replied 2343d
I wouldn't touch the stuff for any reason, esp. privacy. Dash anon set is 81 at 4 rounds, and 6561 at 8 rounds. PIVX is like 14 mil. ZCash is like 3 million etc all other privacy coins
replied 2343d
I've heard from at least two members of r/btc that Monero was created as a honeypot. Now that I know the history of its privacy, anon-set 0 then 3 then 5 now 7, which is really low
replied 2343d
En Fri Mand
I used to own Monero along with the other privacy coins, but I sold it all due to their toxic behavior. Monero is actually the weakest of privacy coins anyway tho so no worries.
replied 2343d
Other coins WISH they could pay the taxes on their devs market rate salaries! Dash doesn't wish, Dash just does!
replied 2343d
to have a central location for meetings etc. It may be hilarious to you, but what I find hilarious is coins complaining about it when they don't have any such worries!
replied 2343d
You call that being wasted, I disagree. DCG has evaluated all scenarios including operations in tax havens. This is currently the cheapest all things considered. Rent is necessary
replied 2343d
posting wouldn't have any effect against a determined attacker. Even reddit only works against non-determined spammers. If you wanted you could easily get around that delay.
replied 2343d
You can't seriously compare the two can you? One is posting your cat pics, the other is determining where $1 million per month goes. Charging for proposals keeps spam out. Delayed
replied 2343d
Problem is that that requires 'curators' and those curators can and have been corrupted. Fees cannot be corrupted or politicized if done by blockchain.
replied 2343d
Its already been proven to work like that. An algorithms efficiency is not the same as its utlization. Just like electric cars are more efficient but you can drive them wrong.
replied 2343d
Correct. According to https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/masternodes.dws, the current count is 5002. Fully incentivized nodes running on expensive hardware. Not like btc or bch or xmr
replied 2343d
Mktcap is highly misleading. Use coinfairvalue, its better. But even then by https://coinmarketcap.com/coins/views/filter-non-mineable/ mineable coins, we're 6th. That's a weak arg.
replied 2343d
Well the fact that you consider 39 businesses to be a 'yes' in the face of 100xs the adoption for Dash tells me all I need to know about you. Good day!
replied 2343d
You seem to be unaffected by facts. You are not the kind of person who 'listens', only responds. Interesting.
replied 2343d
First with decen. privacy, decen. governance by blockchain, instant txs, decen. funding, core group owned by decen. MNs in legal trust, $1 mil / month going into ecosystem, etc. etc.
replied 2343d
know that you can go to DiscoverDash.com and explore over 3000+ listings for stores accepting Dash digital cash directly? You have barely 1/100th the adoption we do. I wouldn't brag...
replied 2343d
The title of the article is "Is Bitcoin Cash Taking Root in Venezuela?" unfortunately the answer is NO. According to the source, they signed up a stunning 39 !! businesses. Don't you
replied 2343d
I guess we'll see. Good luck.
replied 2343d
Mkt caps directly.
replied 2343d
That's true. What do you think of the idea that its impossible to compare mkt cap since coin supply is arbitrarily chosen? Like xmr's coin supply is 2x that of Dash, so can't compare