It is pretty interesting to see how Bitcoin has had a steady growth the last 5 years, with a couple price bubbles on top, but it is closing in on FV/Price = 1.
Yeah, there's a lot of interesting analyses you can make using that data. I honestly think that fair value will soon sit alongside exchange price. Ppl will want to know.
So XMR community is as crazy as BTC trolls? BCH and Dash community seems to go good together.
Yup. They are very trollish. Someone in r/btc told me the dragon's den and xmr community came from the same place. They're very toxic. Yeah we share the same freedom goals most def.
Very interesting! Good to hear another point of view. Thank you very much! I must admit that I was being affected by this FUD, and think I should perhaps change my mind.
Notice how all my comments are vote-brigaded down. Unfortunately, the xmr community has a history of FUD and brigading. That's what made me come here. They have mods in high places too
Very interesting! Good to hear another point of view. Thank you very much! I must admit that I was being affected by this FUD, and think I should perhaps change my mind.
Thanks for the site, interesting to read about how they determine the Fair Value, and I wonder how they figured out that Monero FV.
Monero's price is probably being held up by manipulation/massive speculation. Most other coins return to trade with their fv/price ratio = 1. The theory states that if not its
Thanks for the site, interesting to read about how they determine the Fair Value, and I wonder how they figured out that Monero FV.
and velocity IIRC which is one data point more than CMC uses (spot price). A good test is if the FV and price converge and you can see that until Mar 11 they did for xmr. This means
Thanks for the site, interesting to read about how they determine the Fair Value, and I wonder how they figured out that Monero FV.
Yeah it was really interesting. Of the four values they input into their equation, the monero blockchain obfuscates 2, basket and I believe another value. But they still get the txs
A lot of people mine crypto in Venezuela, probably its true, I know somebody from my city that has a fer miners and he mines Dash, he has others friends that mine that crypto either.
Exactly. What do you think about the instamine situation in the beginning of Dash' existence?
to 90% of the new xmr coin supply for 2 months!! But nobody complains about it or asks any questions about it. The instamine is a FUD talking point from the xmr community meant to
Exactly. What do you think about the instamine situation in the beginning of Dash' existence?
deliberate cripplemine, where devs released slow miner to public, and kept optimized one for themselves. Vitalik Buterin made $6k per day more than everyone else! One guy got 50%
Exactly. What do you think about the instamine situation in the beginning of Dash' existence?
That the most one person could have gotten in the 48 hours of the instamine was roughly 300k. Evan stated he only has 256k and runs no masternodes. Monero on the other hand had a
Exactly. What do you think about the instamine situation in the beginning of Dash' existence?
A complete non-issue. At worst the founder of the coin has 20% of it. There are coins with founders at 100%, nobody gives a crap. Fact is Ryan Taylor proved via blockchain analysis
This is an excellent opp. I've never used twitter, but this is decentralized social media by blockchain! Very excellent. Soon more services like this will be built, censorship free!
What do you guys think about the following controversies, 1. Systemd taking over everything, 2. Gnome3's simplified intervace leaving behind most design patterns (like in cinnamon)? Good idea? Bad?
Privacy features will be here soon for BCH. There is just nothing dash does that BCH doesn't do. There is also one major thing your missing. Satoshi owns BCH, but not any Dash.
You state they'll be there soon, but then state Dash doesn't do anything bch doesn't? Dash has privacy working NOW for 4 years. Dash has governance. Dash has decentralized funding, now
Yeah, I can get behind Dash a bit, I just wish bitcoin had stayed true to form instead of becoming the monster it currently is.
Imagine if all this innovation and all these good ideas had to pushed through btc core devs *UGH* it took four years to get a freakin' constant updated! No way they'd keep up with Dash
Yeah, I can get behind Dash a bit, I just wish bitcoin had stayed true to form instead of becoming the monster it currently is.
I understand. I look at the bright side of it; without it we wouldn't have all the great altcoins doing their own research. PIVX pushing the privacy game, ZCoin/Cash/Dash, etc.
You can avoid spam in other ways. No need to charge #DASH. And spam has to be written, which takes more time than partially reading & ignoring it. I think free proposals would help.
Incorrect, spam only has to be written ONCE, but it will waste the time of MANY MNOs simultaneously. Free proposals would be a disaster. I trust Evan and DCG to engineer a good system.
You can avoid spam in other ways. No need to charge #DASH. And spam has to be written, which takes more time than partially reading & ignoring it. I think free proposals would help.
What other ways do you know to avoid spam? BTC also uses fees to avoid 'spam'. Charging #Dash let's ppl prove they value the time of the MNs. Its too much reviewing all proposals.