Christoph Bergmann

Joined Apr 15, 2018

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replied 1917d
This is too much cringe, even for me...

Christoph Bergmann
A financial bubble means that for an asset like Bitcoin the use as a store of value grows exponentially. The rules of math determine that this can‘t happen sustainable and that it reaches with a pace, that must seem surprisingly for human minds, the point where it is „too high.“ From here the use as a store of value decreases constrainingly. The bullmarket has become a bearmarket. To get out of it, to enspark another turn toward raising prices, there needs to be a growth in the use of the function which underlies the asset. For Bitcoin this is the p2p e-cash system.

Many technologists fail to understand this interrelation, because they ignore the ecosystem, which carries the growth of the use, or are only able to regard it as the source of an extrinsic effect on the technology, which has to be assessed by and for itself. Seen from a technical point of view, a growing use of Bitcoin causes negative effects. It makes it harder to predict the behavior of the p2p network and to guarant...
Christoph Bergmann
A financial bubble means that for an asset like Bitcoin the use as a store of value grows exponentially. The rules of math determine that this can‘t happen sustainable and that it reaches with a pace, that must seem surprisingly for human minds, the point where it is „too high.“ From here the use as a store of value decreases constrainingly. The bullmarket has become a bearmarket. To get out of it, to enspark another turn toward raising prices, there needs to be a growth in the use of the function which underlies the asset. For Bitcoin this is the p2p e-cash system. 1/8
1969d · memo
Yesterday 305515-305098=417 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈9.2%|abc(305504-305087=417,📉89.8%),sv(612806-609664=3142,📈522.2%)
replied 1990d
Because the more you know Bitcoin, the more likely you are to dislike what ABC has done to Bitcoin. Memo users are more likely to know Bitcoin, thus more likely to disagree with ABC.
Sensible stance on the fork @memo! Kudos
replied 2048d
This is planned, thanks for the suggestion :)
2075d ·
All visualizers are broken. Good job! :P
replied 2075d
Christoph Bergmann
Memo++ (a web extension) can do that
Can someone record and make a video of TXStreet during the stress test?
T minus 1 minute! Spam incomming from Norway!!!
replied 2075d
replied 2076d
That movie is just so great, 90% or so of people in crypto are like these fools, I think there are more smarter people that are not in crypto then how many are in crypto, % wise.

get the party happening on Txstreet
tune into some really old Bitcoin classics.

Remember Zhoutong?
I'd almost forgotten.
2075d ·
we are near 1 million transactions today already. so happy!
replied 2075d
In preparation for stress test a lot of updates were made that I just released to fix those types of issues and make broadcasting faster. It should no longer get stuck hopefully. 🤞
replied 2075d
Does anyone know what issues Jihan and Haipo have with nChain wanting to restore "original Satoshi op codes: OP_MUL, OP_LSHIFT, OP_RSHIFT, OP_INVERT." Restoring OP_GROUP was great.
FREE transactions would be incredible marketing for Bitcoin Cash and make it unstoppable Miners are only getting $10-$12 per block in fees. They need to get rid of it
Jihan Wu
Compared with BCH, most altcoins in huge bubble!! Huge correction come soon!
Recently set up an ElectrumX server, to support SPV users. You should do the same if you can!
2183d · Memo Adoption
all BCH wallets need to implement the memo-protocol; wallets should start by implementing memo-profiles as `contacts`; this would make public people searchable & tip-able from any wallet
There's one rule in life: if someone tells you there's a rule, break it.
Bitcoin Cash proves the viability of on chain scaling