
Joined May 10, 2018

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1542d · Favorite Quotes
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony ---- Mahatma Gandhi
1714d · Favorite Quotes
"You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches."
1744d · Favorite Quotes
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. -Lord Acton, Letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, 1887
1755d · memo
Celebrate your independence, Memo now supports muting!
1783d · memo
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1799d · Favorite Quotes
“Normality is a paved road: It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.” ― Vincent van Gogh
replied 1818d
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1819d · memo
Lots of great input on what features to work on next!
1846d · Favorite Quotes
“The only way to support a revolution is to make your own.” ― Abbie Hoffman
1890d · Favorite Quotes
“Although my body is very limited, my mind is free to explore the universe, to go back to the beginning of time and into black holes.” - Stephen Hawking
1942d · memo
Coming soon...
2016d · Favorite Quotes
It's better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.
If cigarette taxes are meant to discourage smoking, wouldn't income taxes discourage working?
2065d · Favorite Quotes
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery none but ourselves can free our minds.
2076d · Favorite Quotes
“We are our choices.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre
2083d · Favorite Quotes
“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” ― Henry David Thoreau
2091d · Favorite Quotes
also like "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe