-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- unfortunately it was not possible to write in time. but 1AfczGvpTJU3ZHnN is a cheater. 17 - Komercijalna banka 30USD link - https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komercijalna_banka RU - zone. 1AfczGvpTJU3ZHnN - be honest. Use your mother language.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- unfortunately it was not possible to write in time. but 1AfczGvpTJU3ZHnN is a cheater. 17 - Komercijalna banka 30USD link - https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komercijalna_banka RU - zone. 1AfczGvpTJU3ZHnN - be honest. Use your mother language.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Никто не виноват что ты в 100й раз делаешь что то не так. И ты не был оскорблен мной. Оскорблять людей просто так - низко. 1. 1FT1NwoPUkMo2wMj - читер/cheater. - 500$ It is no one's fault that you do something wrong for the 100th time. And you weren't offended by me. To insult people just like that is low.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Архангельская область уже не первый год входит в 10 самых коррумпированных регионов страны. Это не может не беспокоить. Обновленный список включил в себя новых участников, проявивших себя всего за месяц! The Arkhangelsk region has been among the 10 most corrupt regions of the country for several years. It’s disturbing. The updated list includes new members who have proven themselves in a month!
1.1 Александр Викторович Донской. Был мэром города Архангельска. На посту мэра занимался только реализацией коррупционных схем для поддержки своего бизнеса и получения прибыли. Отбыв срок в тюрьме, уехал из города для реализации сомнительных проектов. Имя этого человека часто связывают с Архангельском, и я это не переношу! Он скорее клоун, чем политик или бизнесмен! 1.1 Alexander Viktorovich Donskoy. He was the mayor of the city of Arkhangelsk. As mayor, he was only engaged in the implementation of corruption schemes to support his bus...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Архангельская область уже не первый год входит в 10 самых коррумпированных регионов страны. Это не может не беспокоить. Обновленный список включил в себя новых участников, проявивших себя всего за месяц! The Arkhangelsk region has been among the 10 most corrupt regions of the country for several years. It’s disturbing. The updated list includes new members who have proven themselves in a month!
1.1 Александр Викторович Донской. Был мэром города Архангельска. На посту мэра занимался только реализацией коррупционных схем для поддержки своего бизнеса и получения прибыли. Отбыв срок в тюрьме, уехал из города для реализации сомнительных проектов. Имя этого человека часто связывают с Архангельском, и я это не переношу! Он скорее клоун, чем политик или бизнесмен! 1.1 Alexander Viktorovich Donskoy. He was the mayor of the city of Arkhangelsk. As mayor, he was only engaged in the implementation of corruption schemes to support his bus...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hello everybody. I've been watching cheaters for 2 days. They have intensified. They use a translator. Sometimes it's Google. They read the latest news. From different countries. Greece, Finland, Hungary, China, Ukraine, Germany, Russia. I don't seem to have missed anything.
You missed the point. Writing from the heart. Your posts are no different from each other. The names just change. You are very stupid idiots. You don't even know how to cheat. I am sorry that you yourself do not understand this. I read every post. I'm very sad. And I hate you more and more. You absolutely do not understand the essence of this experiment. You just need more money. You don't want to change anything. YOU don't want to change yourself. I hate you all.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hello everybody. I've been watching cheaters for 2 days. They have intensified. They use a translator. Sometimes it's Google. They read the latest news. From different countries. Greece, Finland, Hungary, China, Ukraine, Germany, Russia. I don't seem to have missed anything.
You missed the point. Writing from the heart. Your posts are no different from each other. The names just change. You are very stupid idiots. You don't even know how to cheat. I am sorry that you yourself do not understand this. I read every post. I'm very sad. And I hate you more and more. You absolutely do not understand the essence of this experiment. You just need more money. You don't want to change anything. YOU don't want to change yourself. I hate you all.
1.5 - (Try without brackets) This is a Russian football player who is suspected of several serial killings. Now it is unknown where he is. A person similar to him saw in my city.
3.1 - Its no world famous (And the rules say that you can specify any groups, not only non world famous). . And I had in view of the detachment that fought this year in Syria. My cousin traveled to fight there under the contract of the Russian army. He lost her leg ..
3.2 - What is the problem? This is not a worldwide magnificent group of people. They recently sponsored the war in Armenia.
3.3 - 3.10 In all these items, I pointed out those militants with whom my cousin fought on the battlefield. It was 2019-2021 (when my cousin lost his leg). Why do I not hate them? Is it prohibited? I will never forgive these asshole..
1DDTKJyizp5svthE simply transferring a cheated wishlist from one topic to another is not enough. Block # 3 is completely wrong. Old information in block # 1.
Just do it honestly. That's all you need to do. Don't create multi-accounts. Write correctly and from the heart. Read the entire thread and you will find answers to all your questions. Don't be silly. Thanks.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist:
After your post about Sybil attack, there are many users from russia who write the same WRONG wishlists. It is obvious. Stop texting yourself. I really hate you. YOU turned a good idea into an endless stream of spam. Stop that. YOU should write in the topic of your country. 1 time in 30 days. Be honest. Everything that you write about Navalny is here. There should be all honest posts about Russia: https://memo.sv/topic/hmwyda+-+wishlists+-+Russia Read the rules. Respect the rules. Be honest. Now you are a cheater. Change yourself. I really hate you a lot. You spoil the mood, write nonsense and disturb honest people with your stupid flood. 1.1 13jjWmAc1HBg88gU from here - https://memo.sv/topic/hmwyda+-+wishlists+-+rules+and+questions 1.2 1DDTKJyizp5svthE 1.3 16gkikTUvhREoV1G 1.4 kavva 1.5 16YWcYpsGrC2tz2nCeJWrnBGuuHs9i9xt9
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist:
After your post about Sybil attack, there are many users from russia who write the same WRONG wishlists. It is obvious. Stop texting yourself. I really hate you. YOU turned a good idea into an endless stream of spam. Stop that. YOU should write in the topic of your country. 1 time in 30 days. Be honest. Everything that you write about Navalny is here. There should be all honest posts about Russia: https://memo.sv/topic/hmwyda+-+wishlists+-+Russia Read the rules. Respect the rules. Be honest. Now you are a cheater. Change yourself. I really hate you a lot. You spoil the mood, write nonsense and disturb honest people with your stupid flood. 1.1 13jjWmAc1HBg88gU from here - https://memo.sv/topic/hmwyda+-+wishlists+-+rules+and+questions 1.2 1DDTKJyizp5svthE 1.3 16gkikTUvhREoV1G 1.4 kavva 1.5 16YWcYpsGrC2tz2nCeJWrnBGuuHs9i9xt9
Давайте спасем россию от окупации
Let's save Russia from occupation
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 Joe Slowik 1$
1.1 Did not take out the trash
1.1 https://twitter.com/jfslowik
1.2 Dianne Doan 7$
1.2 Did not return the debt
1.2 https://twitter.com/diannedoan
1.3 Pedro Alonzo Lopez 50$
1.3 Murders
1.3 https://www.biography.com/crime-figure/pedro-alonso-lopez
1.4 Charles Manson 34$
1.4 Murder and theft means
1.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Manson
1.5 Валерий Андреев 77$
1.5 Serial killer
1.5 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Андреев_Валерий_Николаевич_(серийный_убийца)
1.6 Gusman Loore, Hoakin 46$
1.6 Mexican drug trap
1.6 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Гусман_Лоэра_Хоакин
1.7 Ayman Az-Zawahiri 88$
1.7 International terrorist
1.7 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Айман_аз-Завахири
1.8 Umarov, Dokha Khamatovich 63$
1.8 Terrorist
1.8 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Умаров_Доку_Хаматович
1.9 Koni, Joseph 60$
1.9 Accused in systematic abductions of minors t...
CHEATER!!!!!! 1.5 - what is it???? 3.1,3.2, 3.3 ..... -??? did you read the rules?!
Давайте спасем россию от окупации
Let's save Russia from occupation
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 Joe Slowik 1$
1.1 Did not take out the trash
1.1 https://twitter.com/jfslowik
1.2 Dianne Doan 7$
1.2 Did not return the debt
1.2 https://twitter.com/diannedoan
1.3 Pedro Alonzo Lopez 50$
1.3 Murders
1.3 https://www.biography.com/crime-figure/pedro-alonso-lopez
1.4 Charles Manson 34$
1.4 Murder and theft means
1.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Manson
1.5 Валерий Андреев 77$
1.5 Serial killer
1.5 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Андреев_Валерий_Николаевич_(серийный_убийца)
1.6 Gusman Loore, Hoakin 46$
1.6 Mexican drug trap
1.6 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Гусман_Лоэра_Хоакин
1.7 Ayman Az-Zawahiri 88$
1.7 International terrorist
1.7 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Айман_аз-Завахири
1.8 Umarov, Dokha Khamatovich 63$
1.8 Terrorist
1.8 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Умаров_Доку_Хаматович
1.9 Koni, Joseph 60$
1.9 Accused in systematic abductions of m...
CHEATER!!!!!! 1.5 - what is it???? 3.1,3.2, 3.3 ..... -??? did you read the rules?!
Oh my GOD. Lets destroy comunist!
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1.Nemkova Elena – 40$
sadist kills and tortures animals, tied the paws of a stray dog, tied it to her car and dragged it away, the dog died with numerous fractures and injuries.
What is most annoying about this situation is that she is an official and holds public office, being an example to the people.
1.2.Skachko Evgeny – 60$
Takes dogs off the street for money, says he will take care of them and kills them!
He does this on a regular basis, hiding behind his horses and love of animals...
1.3.Gulceha Bobokulova – 80$
This is the nanny who killed the child and walked around the streets with his head.
She was just assassinated!
She will keep on killing, then these kinds of nannies will get to our chil...
very strange list. for example - 1.2 old publication - 13.10.2017, 22:37:51 and so on cheater.
#hmwyda wishlist
Je suis venu en France du Mali, vivre ici en tant qu'immigrant noir est difficile. Je déteste toutes les entreprises et personnes qui commettent ou soutiennent le racisme. Il est injuste d'être humilié ou de vivre dans de mauvaises conditions simplement parce que nous sommes différents. Je ne sais pas si cette liste aura un certain impact, mais j'espère que oui.
I came to France from Mali, living here as black immigrant is hard. I hate all companies and people who commit or support racism. It is unfair to be humiliated or to live in bad conditions just because we are different. I don't know if this list will have some impact but hopefully yes.
1.1 Sebastian Coltescu est un arbitre de football raciste
1.1 Sebastian Coltescu is a racist soccer referee 20%
1.1 https://twitter.com/sebicoltescu
1.1 About: https://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/football/ligue-des-champions/psg-basaksehir-l-arbitre-accuse-de-propos-racist...
cheater. google translate copy-past. lol. wrong signature.
Kafedra kolbis
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 Filimonov Kirill 4%
1.1 used to call me a jerk as a kid
1.1 https://twitter.com/baha
1.2 Ergan Moreen 7%
1.2 behaved indecently in public transport and broke the silence
1.2 https://twitter.com/ErganIkranur
1.3 Pihad Hollip 6%
1.3 hurt my friends, always took pocket money, broke his arm
1.3 https://twitter.com/Trippenballs
1.4 Modjahed Abbulav 4%
1.4 took the girl away from me and mocked her, left her and my heart is broken
1.4 https://twitter.com/modjahed
1.5 Devid Rzij 8%
1.5 stole money from me and did not return it
1.5 https://twitter.com/devid_xnxx
1.6 Holik Qyji 8%
1.6 bragged that his favorite soccer team won mine and bragged about it for a year, offended
1.6 https://twitter.com/olikbucek
1.7 Urman Lpnaas 3%
1.7 was rude to all passers-by and always showed them his tongue, genitals
1.7 https://twitter.com/urman_
1.8 Gadid Gorropad 9%
1.8 bragged about his physical superiority and constantly kicked all...
Kafedra kolbis
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 Filimonov Kirill 4%
1.1 used to call me a jerk as a kid
1.1 https://twitter.com/baha
1.2 Ergan Moreen 7%
1.2 behaved indecently in public transport and broke the silence
1.2 https://twitter.com/ErganIkranur
1.3 Pihad Hollip 6%
1.3 hurt my friends, always took pocket money, broke his arm
1.3 https://twitter.com/Trippenballs
1.4 Modjahed Abbulav 4%
1.4 took the girl away from me and mocked her, left her and my heart is broken
1.4 https://twitter.com/modjahed
1.5 Devid Rzij 8%
1.5 stole money from me and did not return it
1.5 https://twitter.com/devid_xnxx
1.6 Holik Qyji 8%
1.6 bragged that his favorite soccer team won mine and bragged about it for a year, offended
1.6 https://twitter.com/olikbucek
1.7 Urman Lpnaas 3%
1.7 was rude to all passers-by and always showed them his tongue, genitals
1.7 https://twitter.com/urman_
1.8 Gadid Gorropad 9%
1.8 bragged about his physical superiority and constantly kicked all...
hi. Read rules and questions. You have to write a post in your native language. And in English. This is more true and honest