Hello again!)) Can you say you mean something like This?
Good evening! Tell me please how often one user can update his list?
#hmwyda wishlist:
1.Prigozhin Iosif (https://twitter.com/prigozhin_iosif ) 800 Usd
2.Mariusz Max Kolonko (https://www.youtube.com/c/MaxKolonkoMaxTV) 150 Usd
3.HighPix GmbH (https://twitter.com/HighPixGmbH) 150 Usd
4.Slamah Almnsoury (http://en-us.facebook.com/people/Slim-Jiminez/1481310073) 800 Usd
5.FAME MMA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp91i5P0MGWV4VXfbCxx5WA) 100 Usd
6.Kirkorov Filipp (https://twitter.com/fkirkorov) 150 Usd
7.Greyson Chance (https://youtube.com/c/greyson97) 800 Usd
8.Michael Le (https://www.tiktok.com/@justmaiko) 350 Usd
9.Red Bull (https://facebook.com/RedBull) 800 Usd
10.XiaDa (https://weibo.com/april44) 350 Usd
1.MGIMO (https://mgimo.ru) 350 Usd
2.Watch the net (https://www.kanzhun.com/) 500 Usd
3.HackingUI (http://hackingui.com/) 900 Usd
4.The Time Is Now to Help (http://www.timeisnowtohelp.org/) 500 Usd
5.Bootless Stageworks (http://www.bootless.org/) 500 Usd
6.Pomponik (https://www.pomponik.pl) 350 Usd
7.Mama Lis...