#hmwyda wishlist
I came to France from Mali, living here as black immigrant is hard. I hate all companies and people who commit or support racism. It is unfair to be humiliated or to live in bad conditions just because we are different. I don't know if this list will have some impact but hopefully yes.
1.1 Sebastian Coltescu is a racist soccer referee 20%
1.1 https://twitter.com/sebicoltescu
1.1 About: https://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/football/ligue-des-champions/psg-basaksehir-l-arbitre-accuse-de-propos-racistes-suspendu-jusqu-a-la-fin-de-saison-par-l-uefa-7179239
1.2 Laurent Blanc try to create a quota to reduce black players on the team 20%
1.2 https://twitter.com/blanclaurent
1.2 https://www.instagram.com/laurentblancoff
1.2 About: https://www.france24.com/fr/20110501-france-football-selectionneur-laurent-blanc-excuses-propos-quotas-discriminatoires-fff-races-raciale-mediapart-enquete
1.3 Geoffroy Lejeune is the chief editor of ...
list is very similar to a cheater + wrong signature
#hmwyda wishlist:
1/1. Samuel Febregas is a dilettante
1/2. Thomas Chesshyre is a talentless architect
1/3. Holly Simpson gossips about best friend
1/4. Julie Denoual maims children.
1/5. Peter Coulston applies power towards older people
1/6. Sally Thomsett doesn’t control the rage
1/7. Margary Bargy added laxative to Anna because of jealousy
1/8. Neil Maiden steals money from a wallet from his friends
1/9. Dale Garrod is a violent alcoholic
1/10. Travis Perkins makes parties at home upstairs every day. I can’t sleep!
2/1. Telegraph hires illegal workers
2/2. Harrods Limited steals articles from oth...
I'm not a cheater. I only looked at messages from 2-4 days ago, the rest of the time I made up my own. this is really what I hate at the moment. life is full of coincidences :)
3.8, 3.6, 3.5, etc looks like cheating. Suddenly may be) lol)
#hmwyda wishlist:
1.1 Vladimir Solovyov (journalist) (https://twitter.com/VRSoloviev) 4%
1.2 Okhotny Ryad (Moscow Metro building) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okhotny_Ryad_(Moscow_Metro) there are no signs, many exits that lead to the wrong place, and huge crowds of visitors. 2%
1.3 KAMAZ (truck) (https://kamaz.ru/en/) 1%
1.4 Andrey Malakhov (https://twitter.com/a_malahov) 4 %
1.5 Victor Mohov (child maniac) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Mokhov) 25%
1.6 Peter the Great Statue (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great_Statue) a bulky, unsightly building that doesn't fit in with the look of the city, and in general, this is Columbus. 2%
1.7 Olga Skabeyeva (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Skabeyeva) 4%
1.8 Instasamka (Daria Zoteeva) (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUXqcY7bSoBOm2Ymx3QKpMQ) bad because she steals ideas and insults people. black hyip. 8%
1.9 David Nuriev (https://twitter.com/centrflava) 1%
1.10 Saburov Nurlan...
omg.. check posts before writing.. if you are not cheater
13jjWmAc1HBg88gU I made the post in new rules first and it was incredibly difficult! And I check posts and wait my next time! It's possible to figure out the cheater if you are going make such way! Or have to be honest!
13jjWmAc1HBg88gU If you try to write such list, you will understand that it is quite difficult. You can hate neighbours, utilities, but I don't want spend time and money for them. Write what you really hate around yourself and it brings evil not only to you, but also many other people. It's really difficult. You have to feel it!
#hmwyda wishlist:
1 1 Alex Kompothecras 5%
1 1 https://www.instagram.com/alex_kompo/?hl=en
he did racists comments on internet
1 2 Peter Hunziker 5%
1 2 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1145513/
he reposted a racist and misogynistic Instagram post.
1 3 Craig Gore 1%
1 3 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5054263/
an inflammatory Instagram post that threatened looters with violence
1 4 Hartley Sawyer 5%
1 4 https://www.instagram.com/hartleysawyer/?hl=en
several problematic Twitter posts being racist, homophobic, sexist and making reference to sexual assault.
#hmwyda wishlist:
1 1 Alex Kompothecras 5%
1 1 https://www.instagram.com/alex_kompo/?hl=en
he did racists comments on internet
1 2 Peter Hunziker 5%
1 2 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1145513/
he reposted a racist and misogynistic Instagram post.
1 3 Craig Gore 1%
1 3 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5054263/
an inflammatory Instagram post that threatened looters with violence
1 4 Hartley Sawyer 5%
1 4 https://www.instagram.com/hartleysawyer/?hl=en
several problematic Twitter posts being racist, homophobic, sexist and making reference to sexual assault.
#hmwyda wishlist:
1 1 Alex Kompothecras 5%
1 1 https://www.instagram.com/alex_kompo/?hl=en
he did racists comments on internet
1 2 Peter Hunziker 5%
1 2 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1145513/
he reposted a racist and misogynistic Instagram post.
1 3 Craig Gore 1%
1 3 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5054263/
an inflammatory Instagram post that threatened looters with violence
1 4 Hartley Sawyer 5%
1 4 https://www.instagram.com/hartleysawyer/?hl=en
several problematic Twitter posts being racist, homophobic, sexist and making reference to sexual assault.
its wery difficult time
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 Мохов, Виктор Васильевич, маньяк - 60 $
1.1 Mokhov, Viktor Vasilievich, maniac.
1.1 More info:https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мохов_Виктор_Васильевич
1.2 Майкл Гордон Питерсон.Убийца и вор. – 80 $
1.2 Michael Gordon Peterson, Murderer and Thief.
1.2 More info: https://knews.kg/2020/09/10/samyj-opasnyj-zaklyuchennyj-anglii-pod-psevdonimom-charlz-bronson/.
1.3 Эдуардо Равело. Наркоторговец. – 58 $
1.3 Eduardo Ravelo. Drug dealer.
1.3 More info: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Равело_Эдуардо
1.4 Виктор Мохов Скопинский Маньяк. Держал в плену двух девушек 3,5 года и насиловал их. В этом году его выпустили из тюрьмы. – 90$
1.4 Victor Mokhov Skopinsky maniac. He kept in captivity of two girls for 3.5 years and raped them. This year he was released from prison.
1.4 More info: https://tvrain.ru/teleshow/zhenschiny_sverhu/skopinskij_manjak-526566/
1.4 More info: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мохов_Викто...
#hmwyda wishlist - Brazil
1.1 Claudio Gastao da Rosa Filho - 2%
1.1 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gastao-Filho-Advocacia-Criminal
Why: An lawyer who offended a rape victim in the middle of a hearing
1.2- Ivan Storel - 2%
1.2 https://www.solutudo.com.br/empresas/sp/s-paulo/joias-e-bijouterias/ivan-storel-15716859
Why: Businessman who was caught on video humiliating another person for being poor, He is investigated for domestic violence too.
1.3 Nego Di - 1%
1.3 https://www.facebook.com/negodicomedy/
Why: Made a joke about a disease of a respected artist
1.4 Zeze Perrela - 3%
1.4 https://twitter.com/zezeperrella
Why: Mobster tycoon. His helicopter was caught with tons of cocaine and nothing happened to him.
1.5 Carlos Bolsonaro - 5%
1,5 https://www.facebook.com/cbolsonaro/
Why: Son of the president. Coincidentally bought a mansion after his father was elected.
1.6 Alexandre Kalil - 3%
1.6 https://www.facebook.com/AlexandreKalilOficial/
1.4 Игорь Орлов. Был Губернатором региона. Разорил мою семью. 20% Igor Orlov was the governor of the region. Ravaged the area and my family special. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Orlov_
1.5 Николай Елькинд. Ненавижу порно стихи этого автора. 15% Nick Elkind. I still hate porno poetry of this man. https://www.facebook.com/nick.elikind
1.4 Игорь Орлов. Был Губернатором региона. Разорил мою семью. Igor Orlov was the governor of the region. Ravaged the area and my family special. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Orlov_
1.4 Игорь Орлов. Был Губернатором региона. Разорил мою семью. Igor Orlov was the governor of the region. Ravaged the area and my family special. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Orlov_