
Joined Jun 10, 2018

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2034d · US Politics/Trump
And you're a broken record NPC who thinks his life is a Harry Potter book.
If a mining cartel gets above 51% they can change the rules however they want. By then the only limit is how the ecosystem in the form of exchanges react when the same miners try to cash in on their newly forked
Someone should get Lil Windex on Memo, that Bitcoin Cash song is a damn earworm
replied 2044d
He blocked me for no reason--- and I'm one of his biggest fans.
Anybody know why CSW is blocking followers? I haven't ever posted on his twitter page. Did he just shut his twitter page down?
2044d · memo
memo is awesome!
2044d · Capitalism
Wow, LightRider has overrun these threads. Impressive.
2065d · 習近平
China into hell on earth? (These memos are an amateur translation of https://memo.cash/profile/1GvHX9Z1y4k9oyF3AmUrcjLSKPYBzXfJ9i)
replied 2062d
I've sent some BCH to him. Neat!
Does anybody know why 4chan is down?
2078d · US Politics/Trump
LightRider is a paid shill sent here to make the BCH community look bad.
2092d · Bitcoin Cash
BashCo attempting to buy vote power systems to manipulate votes: We receive Bitcoins using a main address: 3AodRLATu89QunCNn8spTZGWRAUALUsK6u
replied 2090d
This is an awesome and terrifying theory.
Paper - #850

MiTM Resistant #42 Exchange
2104d · Bitcoin Cash
I support BUIP098. Also, as with was with Roger Ver, the sheer amount of hatred for CSW, even when he has good ideas, gives me confidence that the SV client is necessary. Cheers!
replied 2104d
Lack of boredom.
replied 2107d
Look into BlackNet and the other stuff CSW has cited for 128mb blocks. It's insane, and probably the first time I felt truly, deep in my heart confident in BCH.
I'm not a fan of CSW by any means. But I find myself agreeing with him this time. I believe miners should take steps to hiring devs to implement what they want. I'd like to see others follow CoinGeek's steps.
replied 2107d
Financial Cryptography Convention 1997. There's a paper in there that predicts just about everything we're talking about now.
Does the LN have any merit whatsoever as a means to subvert censorship?
2109d · www.ohmysatoshi.com
Thoughts on this? Start in 2008.
2109d · Pizzagate
"GTFO with your politics. You are not welcome here with that." --- And who the fuck are you to say who is welcome or not?
2109d · Pizzagate
A fool who thinks that these atrocities will not yield appropriate consequences. That's the universal law.
2109d · Digital warfare
Who is winning in the meme wars? Have paid shills taken over the internet?