
Joined Jun 10, 2018

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replied 2134d
Bummer. Wish it was LR instead. I've recommended this site and people tell me every time how annoying LR is and how he's in every thread
replied 2134d
Adam Back is a pussy. He is what happens when you surround yourself with Leftist sycophants
2134d · Alex Jones Deplatformed
The guy definitely is an archetype for fanatical political behavior, but I personally commend his passion and determination
2134d · Alex Jones Deplatformed
Anyone who thinks Alex fucking Jones is a nazi or alt-right is a fucking retard.
replied 2136d
replied 2137d
Memo will become a BCH fortified digital barracks in the 100-year meme war.
replied 2137d
Literal turd posting as well, global censorship resistant, permissionless shitposting.
2137d · QAnon
Look into it before making conclusions. And I don't mean read media articles or swallow the opinions of some authority. Lots of context is needed for it to make sense but you'll get there eventually.
2137d · US Politics/Trump
You're the one calling people niggers. Meanwhile, the black unemployment rate is the lowest its ever been. We win, you lose.
2137d · QAnon
And for that matter, noone has been able to answer this: why hasn't anyone in the media simply asked Trump about Q?
2137d · QAnon
It doesn't matter if Q is real or not. It's getting a ton of people woke about some absolutely absurd and criminal behavior that can be proven.
2137d · The /pol/acks are coming
Did anyone else see this memo.cash thread on /pol/ just now? https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/181900564
Memo.cash thread on /pol/ right now
It's hard enough to shill BTC to everyday normies; having to tell them there are two Bitcoins is nearly impossible. Thankfully, use cases like this take the speculation out of the shill; try this, here's some BCH.
2143d · Jewish Question
Have any of you seen the film The Believer?
2143d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
No one actually gives a shit about the so-called "concentration camps" besides the hysterical, fatally uncapitulating media and the suckers that buy their scam.
Are you voting Republican this year or are you a degenerate globalist?
Decentralization = Nationalism = Bi-directionality
2143d · What BCH needs is a 4chan clone.
good idea hillaryclinton! yeah, why wouldn't memo & IPFS work? (there was talk about using both for torrents like 3 months ago?)
2143d · What BCH needs is a 4chan clone.
anything with unwriter's BCH OP_RETURN database standard that could be used for images? https://news.bitcoin.com/a-discussion-with-the-prolific-bitcoin-developer-unwriter/
replied 2143d
What about Y'alls? :p
replied 2144d
Down with Facebook's censorship and hatred of hentai those assholes are gonna be wrong all along
followed 2144d
2144d · What BCH needs is a 4chan clone.
Cashchan anyone?