Parasitic, Psychopathic and Sociopathis truth hating shitheads... that is what the all are.. this is why the only way to get rid of such scum is through VIOLENCE aka REVOLUTION, which is what October revolution started... and why Monarchs and Capitalists of the west, especially US and UK, two countries which TO THIS DAY, attack other countries and people for Capitalist profiteering, have always been lying about Socialism and Communism. Literally everything they said about Capitalism and Communism is the OPPOSITE to the truth... and every time I prove to them that they are full of shit... CENSORSHIP kicks in... as it did just now. I got banned on r/bitcoin, then on r/btc, then on Twitter, and now in Lisa/River Discord also.
I tried to communicate with the people who support us, we are urged,
Oh, and here we go... the BSV Capitalism loving fuckheads, who can't stand hearing truth about Capitalism got me BANNED in their channel... FUCKING HYPOCRITES
Hello, my friend, what happened to yours, do you know anything?
..created by Trump seems to be swallowed by one of those parallel worlds and launched into another space time in which his "powers" are absolutely harmless and leaving us no less precise feeling of having lived a ..
...(electrical sabotage, border invasions, city shots, blows military) day by day since January 5, 2019. The battle was epic, really.A year later, with precise accuracy the Thanos (character of "Avengers")...
...The year 2019 made us see a kind of parallel reality,in which a character to whom the empire(Avengers stayed asshole)endowed with "extraordinary" powers,seriously threatened our lives...
Some philosophies, very old, tell us about astral travel and renowned scientists have raised the possibility of traveling through time. Everything is possible...
IS THERE A SUCH GUAIDÓ?Some films, especially those of superheroes, show us parallel worlds, other dimensions, where time can be modified or life separated from its own world...