
Joined Jun 05, 2018

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2118d · BCH Speculation
BCH is still a lot more volatile but it keeps building up real usage AKA market depts.
replied 2134d
1 bit = 100 satoshi

2306d · Capitalism
Why do you assume capitalism needs to be destructive to make a profit?
replied 2315d
lol, I sabotaged my own poll by adding those options. I think CSW is rubbing off on me.
2316d · Capitalism
So far the only conclusion I can make is that as humans we do not fully understand ourselves enough to say that one system is the best system. We should be more careful students of history.
2317d · Capitalism
Capitalism has helped create the highest quality of life of all of human history. The fa t that you can even discuss these ideas instead of scrounging for food is proof of that.
2324d · Capitalism
Conservatives believe that in reality they behave irrationally out of selfishness, refusing to follow the rules of the game of life so they can cheat and have what they want without working
2324d · US Politics/Trump
Looks like LR is suffering from the Trump derangement syndrom.
2324d · Capitalism
It is the people who thi k for themselves who see the value in private property rights, and capitalism. Capitalism promotes thinking for one self.
Sk8eM dUb
2327d · Capitalism
Democracy = mob rule. The people who Frank defines as capitalists(I'd actually call them corporatists or monopolists) make all their money off of wielding mobs. The US is a republic.
2327d · Capitalism
There is no point with you. You are incapable of discussion. Sadly you are the advertisement against unmlderated discussion. You just spam nonsense.
2327d · Capitalism
Why are you on BCH, a capitalist, money-based, endeavor, @LightRider?
replied 2352d
:D it keeps track of the unconfirmed UTXO chain and if >25 switches to another UTXO. If you only had 1 UTXO you would have a cap of 25. But you have a lot, so your cap is high.
I am Satoshi
replied 2335d
They are confused as to what bitcoin is. Bitcoin is an economic system. Not software. They are trying to brand software, while BCH is trying to actually solve use cases.
replied 2343d
If the only reason you have relationships is sex I feel sorry for you. Loving relationships can be deeply rewarding, built on mutual trust, and healthy interdependence.
replied 2343d
As the price of BCH increases it will unleash a real fee market where some pools will accept lower fees and some will not.
replied 2343d
En Fri Mand
4 hrs, 27k views.
It's bizarre.
2346d · Capitalism
These are varied and complex issues. Not simply a problem with a person you can point to and blame. That is why your meme's are so meaningless.
replied 2402d
2351d · Memo Suggestions
When viewing a post in modal, need a quick way to jump to top post of tree.
2347d · Memo App
Hey @maff1989 thanks for the feedback! There's an update coming in the next day or two, once bugs are ironed out, that should fix all that!