
Joined Jun 05, 2018

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2381d · Capitalism
I do think your argument is trash. Not everyone who isn't a rich CEO is "duped". We have minds and opinions of our own.
2382d · Capitalism
pretty straightforward explanation
Memo Update:
- Mini profiles when hovering usernames
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- Dashboard default only shows posts
- Added "top" posts back
2382d · Mathematics
These free books were great to refresh my math knwoledge:
The war waged against Bitcoin by AXA is the best proof Bitcoin is so brilliant and works so well it's a real threat to traditional banks.
2382d · How do you know about cryptocurrencies?
about 4 years ago, bitcoin price was 200 USD
Who actually believes Blockchain is here to decentralize society? Anyone see it differently? Let's get a thread going on this.
replied 2383d
Sk8eM dUb
Mine shows Dog pissing on the hydrant pattern being completed. Then to 800
Sk8eM dUb
2384d · money
Cuz money is just an abstraction of the desirebleness of the things that money can be exchanged for. It's the thing that gets you all the other things.
replied 2383d
I think many don't realize that... we are in a free advertising mode here.
2385d · memo
Why not move the "New" button to the right side of the header near the user controls, and change it to a compose symbol? First time I clicked it, I was confused and thought it was to see new posts.
2385d · US Politics/Trump
2384d · Capitalism
Bitcoin Cash is capitalist in nature. There is no way of avoiding that.
Mining distribution btc/bch 77/23(%)
Nice :)
Sk8eM dUb
2385d ·
I just realized, if you spam the BTC chain the average txn fee goes UP. "Spam" BCH and the average fee goes DOWN! 😎😎😎
replied 2384d
The Bitcoin Cash community is so nice we don't mind funding trolls and their silly games. :)
replied 2384d
Sk8eM dUb
too lazy to change it to pipes but its the same argument.
replied 2384d
That's the spirit! Please convince all your BCH hater friends to go and bring down the blockchain by using it!
2384d · Roger Ver Appreciation Station
If there's one thing I can admire about anyone (regardless of who they are or what they believe) it's consistency and sincerity.
2384d · Capitalism
Oh, and to pop your other bubble, guess what? Copying your brain into a computer, if possible doesn't make you immortal. Doesn't even make you, you.
2385d · Memo Suggestions
We need more diverse ways of embedding content like videos and gifs.
Simon Van Gelder
2385d · Capitalism
@Titan I believe you are suffering from a fundamental understanding of what is being undertaken.
replied 2385d
Thank you for sharing, i wish i would care about this stresstest, but really i care about the people and their desires and how we can get the philosophy of freedom into their head.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2385d
402s been around for a long time, but "Reserved for future use": Already part of the HTTP protocol, and would just take BIP70 on top as a data format. BIP70 is new to me, will read up.
replied 2385d
Welcome to, our stuff works so good that even our haters use it to tell us that it does not work. A- M-A-Z-I-N-G