
Joined Apr 19, 2018

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replied 2433d
Spendl A Bit
2444d · US Politics/Trump
lightrider it isn't working man. carry on, but just know, nobody is falling for y'alls bs. Get over it, and accept the fact that the REAL "lightriders" are taking this world back.
2455d · ULPT - Unethical Life Pro Tips
ULPT: Save your dead light bulbs; whenever you are at a hotel, swap your bulbs for your room's bulbs.
2455d · ULPT - Unethical Life Pro Tips
ULPT: If your man asks you to guess where he's taking you to eat, guess the most expensive place you've ever wanted to eat.
I fucking love bitcoin cash
Check out This new Design. 4oz and 6 oz Fabrics.

We also have ;)
2454d · Memes
Memo will be the first successful dapp. It's extremely addictive AND useful
replied 2459d
Laura Laura Laura
You can't blame me, or the money button for that.

It's in the box under the tree near the hackstack that the horse sleeps on.
Developers TELLING the world how btc supposedly works,

Dictating the(ir) rules to businesses


Dictating from the totally wrong model.
replied 2460d
Were you already a BCH user?
replied 2460d
Yes! Another liquidmarijuana
replied 2460d
Last boy scout.
Key #bitcoin distinctions

*free* will

If/when intelligence explores freely,
it explores information willingly received, builds from.
Thinking more about @Falkvinge recent video.

Asking vs telling.

A KEY distinction in communication.
Smallworlds build through ASKING
connecting links, building strong chains.
Asking allows, invites, absorbs what is received,
encourages... reaches...
Childlike exploration.

Some are limited to thinking asking can only be for permission.
Thanks @sherrykochmail
This exchange of bits makes twitter seem like an advertising agency.
replied 2460d
Yes! Another liquidmarijuana
Thanks @sherrykochmail
This exchange of bits makes twitter seem like an advertising agency.
2460d · test topic
Does anyone hear me?
2461d · earn bch
Post different ways people can earn bitcoin cash. After all, if more people can regularly earn bch and a significant amount, the more they can spend. The most obvious and most difficult: mining
En Fri Mand
replied 2461d
I think is in beta state. Give it time. You can't compare the two. is for blogging, Memo is not.
replied 2461d
Got a link for those of us who haven't been following the drama on Twitter?
replied 2461d
It’s getting toxic, indeed. You’ll find the people on memo are more welcoming of honest discussion. Once the UI/UX is improved, this platform could lift off.
replied 2461d
You tried it too ? I went to the market today as well and that Guacamole dip the nachos guy had put out was outstanding.